How to drive her husband out of the house?

It is believed that women are obliged to maintain their marriage with all their might, but it is not always possible to do this. Often everything ends after a divorce , but sometimes even an official divorce does not help, and then the question arises about how to drive the ex-husband out of the house. Immediately it is worth saying that this issue will only be relevant if you finally decided to "burn all bridges" and do not think about a possible joint future.

How to drive the ex-husband out of the house?

Naturally, to take decisive action is possible only if numerous persuasions have not brought any result, and a stranger now man continues to poison your life with his presence.

  1. To begin with, you need to settle all legal issues, because driving a man out of the house where he has the right to be legally useless. Independently in the intricacies of our laws can be difficult to understand, so do not hesitate to apply for a recommendation to a specialist if there are doubts about the legitimacy of living a former spouse in your apartment. And, it does not matter, you think about how to expel a legitimate or civil husband from home, your intentions in any case should be legal.
  2. After you have established that the right to use the living space of the former husband does not exist, you can safely collect his things and change the locks in the apartment. If you try to penetrate the house by force, call the police, your actions are absolutely right. And write down all threats to the recorder.
  3. If you do not want too decisive actions, you can try to survive the ex-husband. Do not conduct any common business with him, divide even the shelves in the refrigerator. Bring home a new man or start a regular get-together with friends who are happy to wash your ossicles to your ex, do not hesitate of his presence. You can do it more harshly - hit the locks on the bathroom door, making the keys just for yourself.

I drove my husband out of the house, how to survive?

Often the problem is not so much the inability to get rid of the former spouse, but the lack of the idea of ​​his future life. Divorce becomes a serious stress for many, which ends with prolonged depression. So how do I survive the gap and what to do if I drove my husband out of the house, but the heaviness on my soul?

First you need to understand that there will be no turning back, and now you have a different life. Try to communicate with the former spouse as little as possible, and do not seek solace with another man, such drastic changes will only aggravate your condition. Do not bring joy and an attempt to get revenge, look for other ways to get out of anger and resentment. Also, do not blame yourself only for what happened, the husband also took part in your break, so stop thinking that it's you who did not put enough effort. Try not to remain with your grievances alone - communicate with friends and relatives, and if you can not manage depression yourself, contact a specialist.