Breeds of domestic cats

For whom to get a cat in the house means to find it in the nearest lane. And who deliberately looks for unusual domestic cats, very expensive or rare, the best breeds. It is difficult to say which of the breeds of cats can be called the most domestic. The fact is that even the largest and most intimidating cats appear to be affectionate and kind.

Large breed of domestic cats

The most popular is the Maine Coon . This breed really looks scary, but the cat is actually friendly and with a competent approach will never show aggression. True, these cats are quite cunning and can sometimes confuse their leprosy.

If you are looking for the most domestic breed of cats, which will become almost a sofa cushion, boldly get a ragdoll . Although the cat itself is very large, but can get injured even when falling from a low altitude. This is just his feature: the cat is soft as a rag doll, which is good for the owner and is dangerous for the animal. Incredibly balanced breed.

Representatives of large breeds of domestic cats can also be called the British breed . Today they are very popular.

To large it is possible to carry and Persians . Many individuals grow much more than average size. If you are ready for careful care of the wool, this breed will suit you.

Rare breed of domestic cats

As a rule, when talking about rare breeds it comes to either the most expensive or still not popular breeding breeds. Anyway, a rare breed of domestic cats is usually a matter of pride and demonstration of the wealth of its owner. For example, the breed is laperm . It is a cat with a fleece-like hair. She really kudyava, which is unusual for us.

Of the extreme breeds of cats for domestic content can be called an elf . This is a hairless cat with ears resembling elves. The breed was bred relatively recently, which makes it so rare, and therefore quite expensive. By the way, brought her out by crossing with the curl, he gave the new breed the original shape of the ears.

Relatively rare, because of the cost, you can call exotics . This breed is easy to recognize by the huge eyes and the characteristic structure of the jaw.

The smallest breed of domestic cats

The smallest among the breeds of domestic cats is toyob . The weight of an adult cat is approximately equal to the weight of a three-month-old kitten of an ordinary yardy Barsik. A distinctive feature is a short tail.

Small Siamese cats grow up quite small. This is a real and faithful guard of any home. In addition, they are amenable to training.

Among the dwarf hairless breeds of domestic cats, we note Minskin . The maximum weight of an adult cat is approximately 2.7 kg. A breed of munchkin was also taken to remove the breed.