Occult Sciences

Occultism is a mystical teaching that talks about the existence of secret forces in man and the cosmos, as well as a common set of beliefs about the existence of a secret connection between a living being and the other world. Traditional sciences include astrology, numerology, tarot cards and ceremonial magic. Occult sciences accompanied human life in ancient times. In ancient times his secrets were guarded by priests and brahmins, they were whispered about, knowledge was accessible only to the chosen ones.

Occult Philosophy

This science teaches everything that is organic, because it contains the life principle and potential of the higher life. The main objects of study are: the surrounding world, man, society and nature. Occultism is a system that sets the goal to synthesize knowledge in order to discover laws that will guide all events. The main task is to learn the deepest secrets of the universe, life and even death.

This science recognizes three planes of existence:

Occult knowledge is divided into several different departments, which in their own way see certain areas.

The Department of General Occultism consists of:

Occult Magic

Her study provides immense knowledge for use in life, but they will not make you a magician. If you do not have certain forces, such as the gift of penetration, psychological strength and others, which can be developed over time, nothing will come out. Occult forces require a preliminary study of personal nature and inclinations. The full development of the will necessary for initiation into magic takes place at the moment of transition from step to step. Some people get such strength of will that they can control the forces of nature. To understand how the will of man can exert a strong influence, one must familiarize himself with the main principles of occultism.

Principles of Occultism

  1. The world is arranged in a uniform manner. It shows that the fundamental laws of the world guide everyone around.
  2. Integrity of the world. It studies everything in its entirety.
  3. Hierarchies. Every being is a set of elements, even man is an element of humanity.
  4. Similarity. All entities resemble the world as a whole. The last three principles work together only.
  5. Principle of reasonableness of all living things. In the world there is a ladder of increasing intelligence.

The study of the occult sciences

In the West, Kabbalah is investigated in the East by Mysticism, but the science data are hidden from the crowd on the grounds that some people will never understand it. Literature of Kabbalah many people are bewildered because of strange terms. Although incomprehensible they may seem only to unidentified people. For the knowledgeable - this is a special "jargon", which can not be translated into a lighter language.

People who have studied the occult sciences for a long time already say that there are a lot of literature that promises to gain power over hidden forces and much more. They should be studied better with the Teacher or the Leader, who will help avoid traps from the forces of darkness and the helpers of these forces. They say that it is better not to know anything at all, than to touch these phenomena without the preparation of consciousness. At moments of testing, it is Teacher who will tell you how to get out of this situation and go to meet the light, not darkness.