Tavolga vulgaris - useful properties and application in folk medicine

Decorative plant tavolga vulgaris can boast a wide range of useful properties, for obtaining which there are many recipes of folk medicine. For effective treatment it is important to take into account contraindications and to comply with dosage.

Tavolga - how to collect and dry?

In folk medicine, inflorescences and roots are used, which are collected at different times. The first plant raw materials must be sent from May to June. Cut only the upper parts of shoots with a flower whisk. Gather and dry grass tavolga should according to a number of rules:

  1. Collection is important to conduct in clean places away from roads and plants. Choose undamaged branches that look fresh.
  2. The best time to cut off the inflorescence is the morning when the dew has dried out.
  3. Beams of the twigs hang in the shade, for example, in an attic or a loggia. Another option is to spread the grass in a thin layer on paper and periodically stir it up.
  4. Store raw materials in a dry place where there is no moisture and sun. Choose a container of glass that is hermetically sealed. Tavolga vulgaris will retain its properties for two years.

Roots and rhizomes should be collected in September-October, because at this time they concentrate the maximum of useful substances. There are a number of rules that need to be considered:

  1. Digging up the roots follows when the upper part is practically withered.
  2. Drop the earth, cut off the side roots and the aboveground part. Rinse the roots and examine them, removing the decayed parts.
  3. Spread the roots on cardboard and dry them. After that, grind them and again drain them. You can do this in the oven at a temperature of 40-50 ° C.
  4. Store raw materials in containers of glass or cardboard boxes. Use roots in folk medicine can be up to five years.

Tavolga - popular recipes

Harvested vegetable raw materials can be used to treat various diseases. Tavolga, whose beneficial properties are directly related to the chemical composition of the plant, is considered a natural aspirin and antiseptic, helps with inflammation of the digestive system. Recommended folk recipes for oncology, rheumatism, physical fatigue, for women's health and strengthening the whole body.

During a cold, the temperature often rises, and you can cope with heat, get rid of viruses and strengthen immunity with the help of folk recipes. Tavolga, whose medicinal properties are due to its rich chemical composition, has a diaphoretic and restorative effect, and it also fights against viruses and bacteria. During the temperature increase, it is recommended to drink a lot of liquid that removes toxins from the body, so the next drink will be useful.



  1. Taurus ordinary fill with water and leave for 10 minutes. infuse
  2. After percolation, drink in small sips. It is better to drink infusion overnight.

Tavolga for blood thinning

In the presented plant there are salicylates, which do not allow the platelets to stick together, that is, thrombi will not form. Thanks to this, you can prevent heart attack and stroke. Medicinal properties of the twill indicate that folk remedies strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce the permeability of capillaries. Due to this, the plant can be used for cardiovascular health.



  1. To use the grass of the twigs completely preserved, a cold method of brewing is used. Pour the raw material with water and leave overnight.
  2. It will stop straining and you can drink 250 ml three times a day between meals. Use this medicine should be 2-3 weeks.

Tavolga with cystitis

Inflammation of the bladder is a common ailment among women, which brings a lot of discomfort. Finding out how useful grass is tavolga, it is worth noting its powerful anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, the plant effectively copes with bacteria and relieves of unpleasant symptoms, speeding up recovery.



  1. Raw pour in hot water and hold under the lid for 4-5 hours.
  2. Prepare the infusion and divide into four equal parts. Drink remedy throughout the day.

Tavolga from psoriasis

Folk remedies that include this herb can also be used externally to reduce the manifestation of a disease such as psoriasis. Tavolga, whose properties are confirmed, has an anti-inflammatory property, and it also accelerates the regeneration process, improving the skin condition. It is recommended to use complex treatment, that is, to take medications and folk remedies.



  1. First turn the roots into a powder. For this purpose, the coffee mill is best suited.
  2. In a glass container, mix the taiga and petroleum jelly. Put in a water bath and boil, stirring constantly.
  3. It will only cool down and can be used to lubricate problematic areas. Store the ointment in the refrigerator.

Tavolga with gout

According to statistics, every year the number of people who face such a problem as gout increases significantly. The main cause is problems in metabolism . In this case, the treatment with grass will be treated with gravid, which has a diuretic property, which helps to remove excess uric acid from the body. In addition, the plant reduces pain and inflammation. It is recommended to drink tea from the twig, the cooking process is very simple.



  1. Pour the plant with hot water and leave it under the lid for 30 minutes.
  2. After this, strain and drink 3-4 tablespoons. during the day.

Tavolga from depression

The plant has a wide range of useful properties, so it is used as an effective remedy for depression, since it has a calming effect. Tavolga from nervous diseases is recommended, since it stabilizes the work of the nervous system. When drinking tea with this herb, you can cope with insomnia , fatigue, stress and other problems. Good results are given by the next broth.



  1. Fill the raw material with hot water and hold in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  2. Take the drug before meals to 50 ml four times a day. Drink the medicine for a week, and then, take the same break and repeat the course.

Tavolga in cosmetology

Since the plant has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, it has been used in home cosmetology procedures. Benefits of the oriental for the body is as follows:

  1. More often plants are used to cope with inflammatory processes, regardless of the nature of their occurrence.
  2. Helps to remove puffiness, that is, get rid of ugly bags under the eyes.
  3. Stabilizes the tone of the vessels, helping to cope with an ugly capillary mesh.
  4. With regular application, you can make the skin healthier and more hydrated.
  5. Tavolga vulgaris promotes the rapid healing of microtrauma on the skin.
  6. With hair care, the plant helps to cope with seborrhea and loss, get rid of brittleness and make the curls healthy and silky.

Tavolga for hair

In order to donate your health to your hair, the following tools are recommended:

  1. To make medicinal infusions in 200 ml of chilled, but pre-boiled water, add a small spoonful of herb. Insist in a sealed container for eight hours. It has already been mentioned that the herb grass is treated, so to improve the condition of the hair, it is necessary to use a ready-made means for washing the head.
  2. Tavolga uses the following for hair growth: fill a large spoonful of flowers with 400 ml of boiling water and put it on the fire. Boil for 30 minutes, and then leave under the lid to insist on the same time. It will remain only to strain and you can use a means for rinsing hair after washing. Duration of application - a month.

Tavolga for the face

To obtain the declared benefit, you can use such tools:

  1. To give the skin a smooth and healthy appearance, mix a small spoonful of honey with two large spoons of the decoction broth prepared according to the classic recipe (1 tablespoon per 200 ml of boiling water). Add a small spoonful of carrot juice. Apply the homogeneous mixture with a brush to the face in several layers. After half an hour, wash it off.
  2. Plant tavolga help to cope with acne, for which, prepare the infusion according to the traditional recipe (1 tablespoon per 200 ml of boiling water). After an hour, strain, add a large spoon of alcohol to the infusion. Use this tonic in the morning and evening, rubbing your face.
  3. To narrow the pores and give the skin a matte shade, it is necessary to mix four large spoonfuls of broth with crushed oat flakes, so that in the end a mass similar to that of sour cream resembles a consistency. Add to the received weight a spoonful of lemon juice and apply the product on the face for 15 minutes.

Tavolga - contraindications

It is important when using folk remedies to take into account existing contraindications:

  1. In some people, medicinal plant tavolga can cause allergies, which is due to the presence of individual intolerance, so it is recommended to start using folk remedies from small doses. With external application, conduct an allergy test, applying a small amount of funds on the back of the wrist and looking at the reaction.
  2. It is forbidden to confuse folk recipes with other sedatives. If this rule is not taken into account, then such a combination can lead to inhibited behavior, insomnia and other similar problems.
  3. Tinctus tincture and other folk remedies are forbidden to women who are in the position or are breastfeeding.
  4. Extract of ordinary blackberry has a bright diuretic effect, so when it is used it is important to monitor the water balance.
  5. It is not recommended to use teas with grass under reduced pressure .