Potato juice with gastritis with high acidity

Sometimes alternative medicine finds favor in the most unexpected things! Take, for example, potato juice, which is drunk with gastritis with high acidity , oncology, dermatological and many other problems. With potatoes, each of us deals almost every day. But we only guessed that we are holding the most real medicine in our hands.

Can I treat gastritis with potato juice?

It turns out that this root crop can boast not only excellent taste qualities. The composition of inconspicuous potatoes includes an impressive number of different useful microelements and vitamins:

Healing liquid can have analgesic, laxative, antimicrobial, diuretic effect. Drink from root vegetables normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, improves digestion and effectively stimulates the bowels. Accordingly, drinking potato juice with gastritis with high acidity is not only possible, but it is also necessary! That's just rely solely on him in the treatment is not worth it. Really effective this tool will be only if it is combined with traditional therapy.

As practice shows, if the combined treatment is started immediately after the discovery of the disease, it is possible to prevent ulcers - a possible complication of gastritis - and very quickly return the body to its normal state.


Before you start taking potato juice with gastritis of increased acidity, you need to properly prepare it. To do this is actually very simple. And most importantly - the preparation process will take a minimum of time.

If you have a juicer at hand, that's fine. Just pass through it potatoes, cut into cubes of medium size. But do not worry if there is no necessary device in the home. For the preparation of potato juice with gastritis, you can use gauze - squeeze through it pre-peeled and finely grated vegetable, and the medicine is ready.

To treat gastritis with potato juice was effective, you should follow several rules:

  1. Never use a withered, sluggish, sprouted or greenish vegetable.
  2. The most useful is pink potatoes - it contains the greatest amount of nutrients.
  3. Benefit brings only fresh squeezed juice. Therefore, you need to prepare it immediately before use. Do not even help keeping the drink in the fridge.
  4. It is recommended to be treated with juice from July to February. During this period, harmful solanine does not accumulate in the potato.
  5. Before starting treatment, a special diet will not hurt. From the diet it is necessary to exclude fish and meat dishes, pickles, sweets. Strike during the fight against gastritis should be done on fresh fruits and vegetables.

How to drink potato juice with gastritis?

Take the juice in the morning to 100 ml. Optimal treatment is seven in seven days. That is, you drink juice a day every day, and then do a week-long break.

Unfortunately, the same pleasant taste as the benefits of its use, the drink can not boast. But before you drink potato juice with gastritis, you can add a spoonful of honey to it. This will save the situation.

Some experts with gastritis with high acidity advise making a mixture of potato, cabbage, beetroot and carrot juice. The basis of this cocktail should be juices of carrots and potatoes, the rest of the components will need half as much.