Root of parsnip

Pasternak is a perennial herb whose leaves are suitable for food as a seasoning for various dishes. But this is also a vegetable culture. The white root of parsnip is excavated late in the autumn, before the onset of frost. It has a lot of useful properties and is used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine.

Useful properties of parsnip

The root of parsnip contains starch, fiber, proteins. It is rich in salts of calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, copper and vitamins B1, C, B2. He has:

At the root of parsnip is a natural complex of vitamins, micro- and macroelements. In addition, it has essential oils that give it aroma.

The medicinal properties of the root of parsnip include what stimulates appetite, and also has a beneficial effect on the digestion of food and digestion in general. It has an easy diuretic effect. That is why it must be included in the diet of patients who suffer from diseases accompanied by fluid retention in the body.

The root of parsnip has other useful properties. This plant:

Application of parsnip root

An infusion of such a root crop has an antispasmodic and analgesic effect with renal stone and urolithiasis.

The root of parsnip has a tonic effect. Infusion from it is used in the general decline of forces , during recovery from severe illnesses and during spring ailments.

When skin problems (psoriasis, vitiligo) from the root of parsnips make a decoction (2 sl.p. ​​crushed roots per 400 ml of water) and every day taken internally in a cooled state for 20-25 ml.

When the skin is prematurely wilted, infusion from the root of the parsnip is used. It is made from 100 g of crushed root and 300 ml of vodka. This tincture is bred with ordinary water in a proportion of 1 to 5 and rubbed into the skin.

The root of parsnip has found application in the treatment of alopecia. With a nest of baldness cotton pad should be rubbed into the foci of alopecia tincture from the roots, diluted in a ratio of 1 to 5.

This root can remove the spasm of blood vessels, so it is used for angina , hypertension and muscle cramps.

Infusion of parsnip is recommended to use and with neuroses, as it has a sedative effect.