What helps tincture of calendula?

Many of us have heard of such a wonderful plant as calendula. This gift of nature has incredibly curative properties and has a rich composition of various nutrients. Long time folk medicine men made various medicines on the basis of this plant and widely used them to treat many ailments.

Asking the question of what helps tincture of calendula, it is worth noting that all of its benefits can not be overestimated. Calendula in any form can be used as an alternative to pharmaceuticals. Not only does it have practically no side effects and contraindications, so it also costs a penny. And if you collect these orange flowers and collect it yourself, it will be completely free.

What helps with the alcohol tincture of calendula?

To make tincture of calendula on alcohol it is possible independently or to buy in any drugstore. It does not matter which option will be chosen, but add this tool to your home medicine chest is sure to. Such a healing drug will become an indispensable assistant in the fight against many health problems.

  1. Normalization of pressure . For those who are often concerned about high blood pressure and headache, experts recommend that twice a year for one month to take medicine based on the tincture of calendula. After the course of treatment, this problem will not bother for a long time. This is due to the fact that this calendula is able to normalize blood pressure and equalize the pulse, and also actively struggles with migraine .
  2. Problems with the oral mucosa . Many people are often concerned about bleeding gums, mucous ulcers or stomatitis. In this case, also tincture of calendula will come to the aid. This tool is often used in dentistry, so doctors recommend rinsing the oral cavity with this tincture diluted with water.
  3. Antiseptic action . Tincture of marigold is an excellent antiseptic. As soon as it starts to disturb the pain in the throat, you should dilute the tincture of calendula with water and rinse your throat several times a day. It is noticed that the redness is significantly reduced already on the first day of use. If there is a purulent coating, then it is treated pointwise with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol tincture.
  4. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract . Calendula is often used in the treatment of diseases of internal organs, in particular liver, gallbladder, gastrointestinal tract. It is important to note that here the treatment scheme is determined only by the doctor on an individual basis. As practice shows, the course of treatment lasts about two months, so you should be patient.
  5. "Female" problems . This tool has found its application in the treatment of female diseases. Tincture of calendula helps with endometritis, erosion of the cervix, thrush. For syringing it is used only in diluted form. If any redness is present on the external genitalia, then it is necessary to apply this remedy for washing, but also only in a diluted form with water.
  6. Healing of wounds . In addition, this unique plant has wound-healing properties. If there are wounds that do not heal for a long period of time, to solve this problem, one should remember about such a wonderful remedy as tincture of calendula.

Does the tincture of calendula help with acne?

For those who did not know what the tincture of calendula helps with, it should be mentioned that acne is a very effective medicine. Calendula is used quite often with external diseases.

Calendula has regenerating properties. Therefore, the result of its use against acne will be noticeable after a few hours. It actively stimulates blood circulation , because all the redness and traces of this skin trouble will disappear immediately.