How to pinch watermelons?

While engaged in the cultivation of watermelons on their site, beginners always have many questions about farming. Not everyone knows if you need to pinch watermelons, and if necessary, when to do it. We offer a closer look at this issue and learn how to properly pinch watermelons.

Do I need to pinch watermelons?

Pinching watermelons is almost the same as pasynkovanie other cultures. These procedures allow the fruit to ripen faster, and also to be sweeter and juicier. By the way, growing watermelons in different areas and different climatic conditions, the procedure of pricking is carried out in different ways. If the heat or growing is produced in a greenhouse - you can do without pinching, if the region is northern - pinching is mandatory.

Correct pinching

In order not to damage your future harvest by pinching, you must follow the following rules and at the same time know that the berries grow on the central stem.

  1. On the plant it is necessary to leave about 2-3 ovaries, for some varieties it is possible and 5-6. The others, as you know, are circumcised. Just start pruning from the earliest stage. From the first, grown up to 5 sheets of shoot, we cut everything that is under the second leaf. From the remaining sinuses, new sprouts may soon appear - we cut them completely.
  2. After the appearance of the first ovaries it is necessary to work with each upper part of the whip and pin it so that there are several sheets left over the last part.
  3. Sometimes it happens that some shoots do not bear fruit. They do not need to try to bring them into a fruiting state, but immediately it is necessary to remove them, since, giving their strength to such idle shoots, the plant itself becomes weaker.
  4. After the young watermelons begin to grow, all the pinching should be stopped. From this moment the plant begins to gain strength. If you are a little carried away, and as a result at the stage of growth of fruits on the plant there are too few leaves, it is necessary to pinch the shoot, which is above the fruit, this will provoke the growth of leaves that are necessary for any plant.

That's all you need to know about pinching. We hope that this knowledge will help you, and the harvest of watermelons on your melon will be rich and tasty.