Treatment of the stomach with propolis

Propolis is a highly active substance that is created by bees through fermentation. Propolis is known primarily for its anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties, and therefore in some cases it can be useful for the treatment of gastrointestinal tract.

What will help propolis to treat the stomach?

Diseases of the stomach, as a rule, boil down to two processes - inflammation of the mucosa or the formation of ulcers. In the first case, there is gastritis, one of the reasons that doctors call bacterial damage, as well as increased acidity . If these problems are not eliminated, then this can lead to a profound lesion of the mucosa - the formation of ulcers.

Thus, propolis requires several properties to treat the stomach - antibacterial (to eliminate the cause of gastritis or ulcers - Helicobacteria), as well as wound healing and anti-inflammatory. Fortunately, propolis has all three properties, and therefore it can be considered a suitable medicine for treating the stomach.

How is the treatment of gastric ulcer with propolis?

To cure a stomach ulcer, a propolis and other folk remedies may not be enough. But they can alleviate the picture of the symptoms, and thus speed up the treatment.

Helicobacter, getting into the stomach, covers itself with a protective film, which protects it from gastric juice, and therefore the fight with it can be very long. In normal conditions, outside the body, the bacterium is weak - even the weakest antibiotics act on it. And when it is in the stomach, and "protected" from an unfavorable environment, then defeating it becomes a difficult task.

The main principle of taking antibiotics is to take the right dosage, and if it is lowered, the bacteria get immunity to the antibiotic and the disease threatens to degenerate into a chronic form. Not exception is Helicobacter.

Therefore, during treatment of erosion of the stomach with propolis, it is necessary to use complex treatment, which was prescribed by the attending physician. Propolis can play a decisive role in the victory over the microorganism, and therefore the main task of the patient is to take this substance in combination with other medicines, the action of which is directed to destruction of Helicobacter.

Treatment of stomach with propolis for alcohol

Treatment of the stomach with tincture of propolis is carried out for a month. Prepolis tincture of propolis can be either alone, or purchased at a pharmacy.

Propolis tincture is prepared at 96% alcohol in a 10% ratio. Infuse the drug in a dark place for 5 days.

When the tincture is ready, it can be used. For this:

  1. In a 1:10 ratio, mix the butter with the tincture, heating them on a fire and stirring thoroughly.
  2. When the product cools down, take it 10 drops 3 times a day.