Astilba - landing and care in the open ground

If you are looking for a way to make your site brighter and bring a note of freshness and charm to it, we recommend you pay attention to the astilba - perennial of the family of stone-fir trees. In addition to bright inflorescences with a long flowering period, this plant is remarkable for its ability to survive on shaded and swampy areas. More details on the rules of planting, growing and care for outdoor tarpaulin can be found in this article.

Astilba - basic information

What do you need to know the flower growers who decided to settle in their area astilbu? In nature, this plant is found in Japan, North America and East Asia and has about 30 species. A third of them have found application in decorative floriculture and are used for the design of artificial reservoirs and shaded areas. In addition, thanks to the works of breeders, many hybrid varieties of astilba appeared. Most of them were the result of crossing the Japanese Astilba with Arends varieties. Depending on the variety, the height of the stem of this plant can range from 10 cm to 2 meters. Flowering of astilba begins in June - July and lasts from 25 to 45 days.

Winter hardiness of Astilbe

Of course, our compatriots can not but be interested in winter-hardy astilba or not. As already mentioned above, one of the habitats of this plant is North America, or rather, Canada. According to available data, there Astilba with honor withstands frosts to -37 degrees. But, of course, under the condition of wintering under a thick layer of snow. Therefore, it can be fearlessly grown in the open ground, using as a winter shelter an additional layer of organic mulch (sawdust, fallen leaves, etc.). Protect young bushes from freezing can be done with shelter from spruce lapnik.

Landing of Astilbe

For the growth of astilba, shady and semi-shaded areas with light soils rich in nutrients and filled with oxygen are suitable. The determining factor in choosing a place for planting astilba is the moisture level of the soil and air. Since this plant needs an increased amount of moisture, it is best to plant it near the water. Under the condition of regular watering and spraying, it is quite permissible to grow astilba on open, brightly lit areas. If regular irrigation is not possible, it is better to plant astilba in the shade, mulching the soil around it with sawdust or peat. In this case, do not forget that sunlight should still fall on its leaves at least 2-4 hours a day, otherwise it will deplorably affect decorativeness - the inflorescence will be rare and shallow.

Astilbe Care

Care for astilba is simple and consists in the regular performance of the following operations:

  1. Sprinkling of fertile soil around the rhizome. The rhizome of astilba has the property of being bare over time and if it is not protected, the probability of plant death during the cold period is high. Therefore, once a season you need to pour fresh earth, and for the winter mulch it with a layer of sawdust or peat.
  2. Regular watering. As already mentioned above, astilba needs increased amount of moisture. Water it daily and abundantly, and in conditions of intense heat twice a day - early morning and evening. On the lack of liquid, the plant signals the twisting and blackening of the leaves.
  3. Periodic transplants. In one place, Astilba can grow 5-7 years, after which it must necessarily be seeded. This will help rejuvenate the plant.
  4. Application of fertilizers . To astilba pleased the eye with lush flowering and leafy greens, it must be fed three times per season: in spring nitrogen fertilizers, in summer potash, and in autumn phosphorus.