Hydradenitis under the arm

The causative agent of hydradenitis is Staphylococcus aureus , and is accompanied by a disease of purulent-inflammatory changes occurring in the sweat glands. Hydralenitis under the arm develops because bacteria enter the body through outflowing streams or through minute tissue damage.

Hydradenitis under the arm - causes

Among the most common factors leading to the development of an ailment are:

Hydralenitis under the arm - symptoms

Development of the disease begins with the formation of a small nodule under the skin, and sometimes several nodules. Gradually, as education grows, more pus begins to accumulate in it, as evidenced by a crimson hue. The remaining signs of the disease include:

Hydradenitis under the arm - treatment

The fight against the disease can be carried out by the following methods:

  1. Application of physiotherapeutic treatment (ultrasound treatment, UHF, magnetotherapy).
  2. Prescribe drugs to enhance the body's resistance. So, against staphylococcus a patient is injected with gamma globulin.
  3. When the nodule ripens, surgery is needed to remove pus.
  4. Hydralenitis under the arm at all stages of the disease is treated with antibiotics. In this case, the patient is prescribed tetracycline, Erythromycin both in the form of injections, and in the form of tablets for a period of seven days to two weeks.

If you find the slightest signs of the disease, it is important to immediately consult a specialist, since the absence of treatment can give impetus to the formation of a fatal illness - sepsis.

How to treat hydradenitis under the arm with folk remedies?

To get rid of the disease, it will not be superfluous to use home methods, which can be resorted even to pregnant women. Coping with the disease will help recipes of traditional medicine.

Fighting hydradenitis can be by applying sheets of plantain or cabbage to the affected areas, which will increase the withdrawal of pus and speed up the healing of the wound. The main thing - before using the plants, they should be thoroughly rinsed from dust and dirt.

Quite an effective means are compresses from baked onions:

  1. The onion baked in the oven is divided into plates.
  2. Apply to the skin, fixing the food film.

Hydradenitis is treated by applying a flat cake made from grated with flour and honey to a chicken egg. This compress is applied for ten hours, after which a new mixture is prepared.

To prevent disease, it is recommended to take internally and externally a decoction of herbs:

  1. It is necessary to take in equal parts of elder, plantain, sweet clover, calendula and add a few drops of eucalyptus oil.
  2. Bay a mixture of herbs with water (half a liter), keep on fire for a minimum of five minutes.
  3. Take inside after cooling to ΒΌ cup, adding a little honey.