Indian Henna

Women have always sought to improve something in their appearance - change the hair, correct the shape of the eyebrows, make the lips more plump or radically change the color of the hair. Unfortunately, hair coloring is very often accompanied by spoilage, even expensive salon paints can not always save from dryness and fragility. What can I do if I want to change the color and to preserve the health of my hair? Many have found a way out for themselves - to use such a natural remedy as Indian henna.

Types of Indian Henna

There are two main types of henna:

Their main difference is the richness of the shades of the first, which provokes the fact that Indian henna is a more popular product.

Natural Indian henna is the crushed leaves of Lavonia. It is sold either in pure form or with additives. For example, additives from seaweed fucus enhance hair growth, and also give the hair elasticity. Many people note the tremendous effect after using Indian henna for hair: in addition to the original shade, which get hair, they increase the volume, they look healthier and become smoother. However, do not abuse the use of henna, since if you use it more than twice a month, it can dry your hair.

Indian henna for hair coloring

What shades Indian henna can give on your hair depends on what color you choose. There are seven basic colors:

To create a variety of colors, the shades of Indian henna can be mixed. Since Indian henna is a 100% natural herbal product, it can not lighten your hair, but by applying it to discolored strands, you can get a coloring effect.

To obtain a rich color of hair, Indian henna can be used together with basma, it is also Indian. Depending on the proportions that are calculated individually, this combination will help to get a bronze, dark chestnut or black shade. The more basmas, the darker the color will be as a result.

Brown Indian henna is used to give hair a variety of reddish-golden hues - from light reddish to rich chestnut. A black Indian henna is suitable only for brunettes. She will not color the gray hair, but will make the hair color more deep, give it a light shade and a healthy shine.

Application of Indian Henna

Indian colorless henna is applied to any hair color - it will not color them, but will improve and brighten. However, do not immediately after it dye your hair with chemical paint - you will not get anything, and your hair can acquire a greenish tinge.

Indian henna is also used to create temporary tattoos. Ready-made Indian henna for tattooing is sold in stores in conical packaging. It is very easy to use even at home. Most importantly, it will gradually come off by itself, before you get bored, so you can safely experiment.

You can also make the necessary solution yourself. To do this, a special Indian henna powder for the tattoo on the body is sifted through a fine strainer several times. The powder must be without a single lump and a homogeneous mass, otherwise the pictures turn out to be indistinct. To make a mixture, the juice of one lemon is squeezed into Indian henna powder until a consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. The dishes, in which the Indian henna was mixed and the lemon is closed with cellophane and left for a day, after that it is ready for use.