Haircut pages

Cyclical fashion again and again brings to the trend level stylish images of the last century. The 60s were not an exception. Long dresses, colorful prints and, of course, the Beatles' hairstyles - are the most popular today. How to profitably and brightly distinguish among the entire mass of women of fashion with a simple haircut? And do not repeat the mysterious and compelling image of Mireille Mathieu with her smooth and always neat locks? This is the haircut page - a little forgotten, and therefore a new fashionable haircut, which offers us modern stylists.

Technology of cutting the page

Before deciding to cut your hair in the "page" style, it is important to understand who it goes to, and to whom it is simply contraindicated. Hair length does not matter. A woman's haircut page can be made for short, long and medium length curls. Cutting a page on curly hair can create inconveniences in the future. After all, the constant straightening and laying ringlets in the right direction, first, harm the hair itself, and secondly, they take a lot of time and energy. In the rest, you should abandon the hairstyle page for those who:

We'll tell you in general terms how this haircut is done, but we advise you to ask the master for help. Here is the technology of cutting the page:

  1. Before cutting, you need to wash your hair and leave it wet.
  2. Divide the hair in half into a vertical parting.
  3. Designate the first strand (it is called the control strand), separating a part of the hair a half centimeter from the initial line of hair growth along the entire circumference of the head.
  4. The control strand is combed to the face and, starting from the notch on the neck, is cut into the right and then to the left side towards the face.
  5. Then gradually remove and cut the strands 1 cm thick, observing the parallelism of their control strand. You need to move to the top of the head. Each subsequent curl should be 3 mm longer than the previous one in order to obtain the desired form of haircut. This - edging - an old reception of hairdressers.
  6. After cutting, the hair should be laid with a hair dryer, twisting the bottom of the strands inward.

Short haircut pages

A classic hairstyle is a haircut on short hair. To look more modern, making such a hairstyle, you can make a "torn" or slanting bangs , and when stacking increase the amount of hair on the back of the head or the crown. Varied short haircut pages can also be using a hair dryer, curling curls in the outer side. Of course, such a hairstyle can not be called a "page". But this is an excellent option for festive exits.

Hairstyle page on medium hair

Cutting the page on medium length hair will help create a romantic image. Smooth lines of even strands up to the shoulders and a thick bangs - exactly what Soviet fashionable women wanted, following the style of the French singer, but wanting, nevertheless, to look special. This hairstyle was called "haircut" the page is longer. " The only nuance: making a haircut on medium hair, the stylists allowed themselves a little away from the rules, shortening the bangs. After all, you see, the bangs to the chin are not very comfortable. In this case, the haircut of the page remains the same with the longest and thickest front strand.

Haircut page for long hair

A distinctive feature of the classic haircut of the page is an even bang of one length with the rest of the hair. But time makes its own adjustments. The longer the length of the hair, the more difficult it is to observe the classic haircut parameters. And for today, the haircut in the style of Mathieu has acquired new outlines. The length of the haircut has also changed. Hair below the shoulders, evenly trimmed all around and curled inward - one of the sexiest and mysterious images. And this is also a variant of cutting the page.