Cereal curd - good and bad

Grained cottage cheese is a kind of ordinary cottage cheese, with a slightly reduced fat content. This product is not a single mass, but grains filled with salted cream. The benefits of granulated cottage cheese far outweigh both its possible harm and the danger to the purse.

What is useful grainy cottage cheese?

Cereal curd, like most other dairy products, is a source of calcium and phosphorus . The combination of these elements in dairy products is optimal for bones. That's why grainy cottage cheese is recommended for children, elderly, and pregnant women. Valuable cottage cheese and rich vitamin composition are valuable. B vitamins are necessary for the brain, nervous system, strong immunity and effective metabolism, on the rate of which the burning of fats in the body depends. The lack of vitamins of this group calls for increased excitability, problems with falling asleep at night and drowsiness during the day.

The presence in the products of vitamin C is necessary to increase the body's defenses. Since this vitamin is not preserved and is not produced in the human body, it must be constantly obtained from food, for example, from granulated cottage cheese.

A diet with a high content of granulated cottage cheese is indicated with increased cholesterol, atherosclerosis, gastritis, stomach ulcer, liver diseases, hematopoiesis problems.

The salty taste of a grain of cottage cheese is perfectly combined with salads. You can also take such cottage cheese for work as a dinner - it perfectly sinks satisfies. Caloric content of granulated cottage cheese is not high - about 155 kcal (depending on the fat content, which can vary from different manufacturers).

The damage to the grain cottage cheese

Harmful grain cottage cheese may become due to non-observance of terms and conditions of product storage - in this case you can get serious poisoning. With caution use cereal cottage cheese should be allergic, and people who do not tolerate milk protein should be excluded from this diet.

Cereal curd for weight loss

Excellent suited cereal curd for a diet for weight loss. If you want to reduce the fat content of the food you eat, buy low-fat grain cottage cheese . But if this indicator is not fundamental, it is more useful to use grain cottage cheese 9% fat - calcium from this product is absorbed by the body better.

Cereal curd helps to lose weight due to the high content of casein, a special protein, which is necessary in order to not lose muscle mass during the diet. And the more in the body the percentage of muscle tissue - the more active metabolism and fat burning.