The best books on esotericism

Today popular books on esotericism have helped to improve their lives for hundreds of people. Information is available, more than ever and to achieve the desired, now you can only buy the manual and perform the actions described by the author. We have chosen for you interesting books on esotericism, which are very popular and give delightful results to those who work for them, and not just read them.

The most popular ezoteric books

  1. "Messenger" Klaus Joel . An amazing book about how you can use the creative energy of thought to improve your life. This author also has other new books on esotericism, which change the way of thinking and allow us to look at the world differently, for example, "Money is Love".
  2. "Diagnosis of Karma" Sergei Lazarev . This is a series of books in which the most talented author reveals the subconscious causes of events occurring with a person. His books allow you to change, develop, change your destiny.
  3. "Transerfing reality" Vadim Zeland . A book that turned the lives of hundreds of people, showing how you can really manage events and life, directing it in the right direction. Lists of the most popular books on esotericism are almost always supplemented by this manual.
  4. "The Way of a Peaceful Warrior" by Dan Millman . The book on which the film "The Peaceful Warrior" was shot. Teaches an amazing way of developing consciousness, through which you can do what is not available to others.
  5. "The Shadow of a Witch" by Florinda Donner . The book is one of the most talented students of Carlos Castaneda, who talks about amazing things, abstract and concrete at the same time.
  6. "Opening the Third Eye" Sakharov . This is an accessible and convenient practical guide that allows everyone who wants to work on development clairvoyance. The book is simple and clear.
  7. "Managed dreams" Elena Mir . This fascinating manual, allowing a person to learn the technique of conscious sleep. So you learn to sink into the world of your subconscious, which can fundamentally change your life.
  8. "Mental self-defense" Dion Fortune . An interesting book for those who are interested in Western schools of magic . It describes various techniques that allow you to effectively influence your life.

The best books on esotericism are divided - some have a philosophical bias, others - a psychological, and the third - a magical one. The main thing is to find something that you will like and you can effectively improve your life using the described practices.