Why does the baby drool?

All children, from the very birth, there are periods, abundant flow of drool, which the child does not have time to swallow. Experiencing because of this and fight with current from the mouth "streams" is not worth it. Since drooling play the role of irreplaceable helpers for your baby.

The role of saliva in the lives of children

Abundant salivation in the child may appear for the following reasons:

  1. The organism of the baby gives off a viscous thick saliva that helps the child when sucking on the mother's breast.
  2. At the time of teething, the gums become very swollen and inflamed. Due to the large amount of saliva, irritated gums are wetted, and all possible infection on them does not take root in the oral cavity. Most often, as soon as the first holes in the gums appear, excessive salivation ceases.
  3. Pediatric saliva has a good bactericidal effect. It contains enzymes that help digest food in the stomach. Knowingly experienced doctors advise their patients suffering from heartburn, often-swallow saliva. After a short period of time, heartburn passes.
  4. In very rare cases, the current drooling may indicate the presence of your child's diseases, such as allergic rhinitis and viral infection. As soon as you have doubts about the amount of saliva, immediately consult a child therapist.
  5. The magic property of child's saliva can also be considered that it helps to soothe pain in the body.
  6. In the first two months of life, children do not know how to cope with their salivation. It happens that lying in a crib, the child begins to choke with drooling, or he has a cough from saliva. In that case, try putting it on a cushion, or on a barrel.

Teeth are cut

All mummies noticed that when the teeth begin to be cut, the child may have a fever and run down saliva. This means that the saliva did not cope with the role of antiseptic. Then the child has a fever, sometimes very high, up to 39.5 ° C. This condition can last from three to five days. Probably, that it is necessary to lie down in hospital. But under the supervision of doctors is calmer. But when the heat subsides, you will almost immediately lose your drool, and you will be able to see the long-awaited first teeth in the mouth of the baby.

The child is irritated with drooling

This problem not only spoils the appearance of the youngster, but also gives him an obvious inconvenience. To irritation was not so strong, wipe the child's chin more often, with gentle soaking movements. During the day and before bedtime, always smear the skin around your mouth with cream. Try using babyhead or a baby cream that is familiar to your child.

As you understand, you can not escape from the current drool. So stock up with patience, bibs and soft handkerchiefs.