Alexitimia - what is this disease and what are its symptoms?

Among the various psychosomatic diseases, there is an increasing number of disorders, such as alexithymia. Today, its signs are found in a huge number of people - from 5 to 25% of the total population. The data diverges substantially, since the term implies different psychological features and deviations in degree.

What is alexithymia?

Alexithymia is not a mental illness, but a functional feature of the human nervous system, which is expressed in the inability to express one's thoughts in words. In Greek, the term can be translated as "without words for feelings." People with this deviation have difficulties in defining and describing their own feelings and emotions, first of all, they focus on external events, which infringes on inner experiences.

Alexithymia in Psychology

Alexitimia in psychology is a violation of the emotional functions of a person, but not a disease. Deviations are not associated with the individual's mental abilities, they are not affected, and the causes of the development of the syndrome are difficult to identify. Psychology considers the phenomenon of alexithymia as a risk factor for psychosomatic diseases. The term was first used in the 70s of the twentieth century. Watching patients with somatic disorders , psychoanalyst Peter Sifneos discovered their inability to give verbal form to their experiences. The degree of severity of the disorder may be different.

Alexithymia - causes

Like any psychological problem, alexithymia of the person has primary sources, which became the cause of the syndrome. Separate its two types - primary and secondary, that is, a stable personality property or a temporary reaction to the problem. In the first case, the causes are genetic or intrauterine: disruption of brain structures, suppression of impulses directed to the cerebral cortex by the limbic system. The secondary syndrome includes psychoemotional reasons: autism, stress, shock, the characteristics of relationships in the family and upbringing.

Alexitimia - signs

The presence of the syndrome indicates that the person is concentrated on nervous experiences and is closed to a new experience. People suffering from "inability to express emotions" are more likely than others to depress and develop diseases such as heart disease, bronchial asthma, hypertension, anorexia, etc. The main symptoms of alexithymia are:

How to talk with a person with alexithymia?

One might think that alexithymia is a disease that does not interfere with daily life. In fact, the inability to express and identify emotions severely hinders communication. And the development of secondary diseases makes treatment of the syndrome necessary. Close people need to have patience to persuade the alexithymist to seek help from a psychoanalyst. Do not press on a person who is "emotionally blind", angry with him. Suffering from this syndrome helps "home warmth": love, romance, positive, understanding.

Alexitimia in the creative professions

The Alexitimic personality has a very limited imagination, is incapable of understanding its feelings and responding to the feelings of others. In the life of the alexithymic, there is no joy and a desire for something new. They are too pragmatic and do not know how to express themselves. Therefore, creative specialties for people with this syndrome are contraindicated and almost impossible. But creativity helps to cope with this ailment, for example, art therapy promotes the development of the imagination .

Alexitimia - ways of treatment

Congenital alexithymia is difficult to treat, but with the acquired form of things are better. The results are brought by psychotherapy: techniques such as hypnosis, suggestion, psychodynamic and gestalt therapy. They are aimed at helping the patient in pronouncing the feelings. Sometimes drug treatment is required - use of tranquilizers to block panic attacks, relieve emotional stress, depression, anxiety. It is important to remember that in the fight against the syndrome of alexithymia, treatment can be lengthy.

Alexitimics should take a direct part in eliminating the symptoms of their ailment. Often, psychotherapists give their patients homework on the development of imagination and awareness: keeping a diary, reading fiction, practicing art - painting, music, dance, etc. People learn to record their feelings and emotions, not to be afraid of them and not to block them. It is useful to develop in different directions, not to get hung up on your problem.

The inability to put feelings into words is an unpleasant personality trait, but with it one can and most importantly correct if it appears in an easy form. It is important not to start the development of the syndrome, so that it does not cause more serious ailments. Psychosomatic diseases that appear due to pathology, and psychopathological symptoms (depression, stress, etc.) must be quickly eliminated.