Pituitary adenoma

In addition to the thyroid gland, the hormonal background in the human body is regulated by the pituitary gland or pituitary gland. It is located in the lower part of the brain behind the eyes. The tumor formed on this organ is called the pituitary adenoma. As a rule, it is benign and does not require special treatment, but in some cases its presence is fraught with serious consequences.

Adenoma of the pituitary gland of the brain - causes

Until now, despite a long series of medical studies, it has not been possible to establish the exact causes of the pathology in question. Factors that, according to experts, predispose to the formation of a tumor:

In some cases, the pituitary adenoma develops because of a genetic predisposition, but this statement has no actual evidence, but is based only on statistical data.

Adenoma of the pituitary gland of the brain - symptoms

Usually described neoplasm is benign and does not affect the body and processes in it. But, depending on the type of tumor, it can either produce hormones, or not.

Types of adenoma:

  1. The usual nonfunctional adenoma is benign without hormones.
  2. Basophilic - secretes hormones ACTH, TTG, LH, FSH.
  3. Acidophilic adenoma of the pituitary gland or prolactinoma produces growth hormones, prolactin.
  4. Adenocarcinoma (malignant). Characterized by a very rapid growth, an increase in volume, which leads to squeezing the brain tissue. Has multiple metastases, is very rare.
  5. Chromophobic adenoma of the pituitary gland is the cause of the growth of thyrotropic, lactotropic and gonadotropic tumors.
  6. Mixed - combines the characteristics of acidophilic, basophilic and chromophobic neoplasms.

The first type of tumor has no symptoms and is usually of small size.

The remaining listed active (functional - with the production of hormones) forms of adenoma are manifested by such symptoms:

Pituitary adenoma - treatment

There are 3 types of therapy:

Drug treatment consists in the administration of dopamine antagonists. These drugs cause the tumor to wrinkle and stop functioning.

Radiation therapy is suitable only for microscopic adenomas that do not produce hormones, and also if there are contraindications to surgical intervention.

The surgical removal of the tumor is considered to be the most effective. This avoids the subsequent growth of the neoplasm, compression of the nerve roots and brain tissue. In addition, excision of the adenoma prevents hemorrhage in the rupture of blood vessels.

Adenoma of the pituitary gland - consequences after surgery

If the surgical intervention was successful, the patient is discharged within 1-3 days after the manipulation. In some cases, a short-term hormonal replacement therapy, the introduction of insulin and correction of electrolyte metabolism in the body.

Pituitary adenoma - prognosis

In case of timely initiation of therapy, the tumor is perfectly treatable and does not lead to irreversible consequences.

Previously discovered violations of visual functions or hormonal balance can sometimes not be resolved even after the operation. In such situations, the patient receives an indefinite disability.