MRI of the pituitary gland

For many of us, medical terms and procedures are a mystery with seven seals. But sometimes it is not at all superfluous to know what indications are available for carrying out a pituitary MRT with contrast, how to prepare for it, and how the whole process goes.

Pituitary body and disruption of his work

The pituitary gland is referred to the central glands that secrete hormones. It is located in the base of the brain in the cavity of the "Turkish saddle" and consists of two parts:

The size of the normal pituitary gland is not large. Its height is 3-8 mm, width is 10-17 mm and weight is not more than 1 gram. But, despite its more than modest size, the pituitary secretes a large number of hormones responsible for the reproductive functions of the body of men and women. There are a large number of diseases associated with impairment in his work, with insufficient or excessive production of pituitary hormones. Diseases - obesity, acromegaly, dwarfism, Itenko-Cushing syndrome, some mental disorders, infertility - the result of improper operation of the pituitary gland.

Various disorders of the pituitary gland, the hypothalamus and nearby organs can lead to impaired functions. As a rule, these are benign formations - adenomas. To help in diagnosing - pituitary adenoma - MRI is the main role. Since lesions may not affect the entire pituitary gland, but only its part, it is therefore important to obtain an image with microscopic accuracy.

Increasing the level of the prolactin hormone in the blood can accompany the appearance of a microadenoma - the most common indication for MRI of the pituitary gland with contrast. If the formation is large enough, the introduction of a contrast agent will help to better examine its structure and contours.

Preparation and conduction of MRI of the pituitary gland with contrast

Despite the complexity of the MRI of the pituitary gland with contrast, the patient's preparation is simple. The procedure is performed on an empty stomach or 5-6 hours after eating. Therefore, the best time for an MRI is in the morning.

Procedure for MRI of the pituitary:

  1. A drug is chosen for contrasting on the basis of gadolinium salts - Dotarem, Omniskan, Magnevist, gadovist. A scarification test is made, i.e. a test for allergic to the drug.
  2. One of the selected drugs is injected either once intravenously by injection for about 30 minutes before the procedure begins, or throughout the procedure drip.
  3. The patient is placed in the apparatus of a magnetic resonance imager in a horizontal position and should remain calm and immobile during the whole examination. Approximate time of MRI of the pituitary gland with a contrast of about 1 hour.
  4. You should pay attention to such contraindications as pregnancy, the presence of the patient's pacemakers, metal implants, insulin pump. Also, remove all metal objects: piercing, staples, jewelry, dentures.
  5. In mental disorders, accompanied by involuntary movements, and in the presence of claustrophobia, MRI is performed with the use of soothing drugs.