Sinus tachycardia in children

A real mother loves and worries with all her heart for her child, those parents whose children are born and grow up healthy are happy. But, unfortunately, not all families are so lucky. We all think the heart is the main body responsible for life, and the more sorrowful it is to realize that our baby can have problems with it. One of the harmful heart disorders is sinus tachycardia in children. It is caused by rapid heartbeat from 100 to 160 beats per minute. I want to immediately reassure parents: most often sinus tachycardia does not require treatment and passes with time itself. This disease is divided into 3 types depending on how much the heart rate increased:

How is sinus tachycardia manifested in children?

Do not worry if your baby's pulse has increased after a stressful situation or exercise, in a stuffy room or during a fever with a fever, wait a little, the heartbeat will return to normal as soon as the irritating factor passes. Sinus tachycardia is given the following symptoms:

Folk remedies for the treatment of sinus tachycardia

To get rid of discomfort, many mothers start using herbal preparations: mint, motherwort and valerian, which have a soothing effect.

Also a proven remedy is a tincture from the flowers of calendula, for the preparation of which it is necessary to pour 2 tsp. plants with two glasses of boiling water, let it brew, drain and drink half a glass 4 times a day.

But, all the same, before you start treatment of sinus tachycardia with folk remedies, it is better to contact specialists and diagnose violations. The doctor will prescribe the necessary procedures: an ECG or Holter monitor, and will make his verdict by finding out the nature of the disease.

Causes of the disease

Most often sinus tachycardia occurs for the following reasons:

With a rapid heartbeat, a newly born baby does not need to panic for newly-made parents, it is observed in 40% of healthy children. Sick sinus tachycardia in newborns occurs due to damage to the central nervous system, anemia, heart failure, a shift in the acid-base balance (acidosis), a decrease in blood sugar. Sometimes it is enough simply to eliminate the cause of the disease in order to make the child feel better. As already noted above, often the disease itself passes. Drug treatment is very rare, mainly with sinus tachycardia prescribe sedatives.

First aid

Watching how your child suffers is unbearable, so every parent should know how to stop the attacks of this disease. Relief can bring the following actions:

If the seizures are repeated often, and your actions do not bring the proper result, then you need to call an ambulance. Otherwise, the consequences can be sad, there is a risk of heart failure in the baby in the future. Whether sinus tachycardia is dangerous in your particular case, only a specialist can answer, everything is purely individual. If you exclude irritating factors, a certain diet, your careful and attentive attitude towards the baby, the disease will recede pretty soon. Health is our main value, take care of your children.