Abundant discharge during pregnancy

All future mothers carefully monitor their health and pay attention to any changes that occur in their body. In particular, many women notice that during pregnancy they have abundant discharge from the vagina, which very often cause serious anxiety.

In fact, a similar situation is observed in almost all future mothers and in most cases it is absolutely normal. Meanwhile, in the presence of certain circumstances, abundant discharge during pregnancy can be a reason for a detailed examination of a woman who is in an "interesting" position. In this article, we will consider the possible causes of this situation at different stages of pregnancy.

Causes of copious discharge during pregnancy

In the period of expectation of the baby, the level of sex hormones, in particular, of progesterone, in the body of a woman increases very quickly and sharply. Because of this, since the moment of fertilization, a large amount of blood is pouring into the organs of the small pelvis. It is for this reason that in most women during pregnancy in the early stages there are abundant secretions that are dense and opaque.

In the fourth month, estrogens begin to predominate, so the nature of the secretions changes in most cases - they become much more liquid. Normally, they remain so until the end of the waiting period for the baby, and their number may vary slightly. Discharge from the vagina during pregnancy in the second trimester, even if they are abundant, should not cause uncomfortable sensations or have an unpleasant smell.

A similar situation is observed at a later date. Abundant discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester should not cause concern if they are not accompanied by itching, pain and other unpleasant symptoms. Nevertheless, on the eve of an early birth, the presence of such a sign may indicate the leakage of amniotic fluid, so a pregnant woman should always consult a doctor.

In addition, in some cases, these circumstances may indicate the active multiplication in the body of a future mother of pathogenic microorganisms, for example, staphylococci or Escherichia coli. In the absence of treatment, they can cause inflammation and lead to serious and dangerous consequences.

Separately, it should be noted abundant milk allocation, which may be a sign of pregnancy, observed even before the delay in menstruation. They are found in many women in an "interesting" position and should not normally be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. If, along with such excretions, the future mother experiences pain, itching and other negative symptoms, it is most likely a case of thrush, which must be treated under the supervision of a doctor.