Ear - a classic recipe

The soup is one of the oldest dishes of Russian cuisine, which is, in fact, fish soup . It is believed that the best for the fish suits such varieties of fish as pike perch, ruff, ruff, in second place are carp, carp, carp, chub.

There are some rules that must be observed when preparing this dish: dishes in which the ear is cooked, should be enameled or clay, fire - moderate, you must not allow a strong boil. In addition, the pan does not need to be covered. In this article we will tell you a few recipes of delicious soup.

Classic ear at home - prescription

Recipes how to boil an ear is enough. Now we will tell you the classic version, that is the basis of the basics, and then you can make changes at your discretion and taste.



Peeled and diced potatoes are dipped in boiling water. There we also drop entire unpeeled bulbs, it is enough just to wash and cut off the roots. Carrots and parsley root are cleaned and finely chopped, also pour out to vegetables and cook all about 10 minutes.

In the meantime, we are engaged in fish: we clean it from scales and entrails, cut into pieces. In the broth, put the bay leaf, pepper, add salt to taste and dip the perch. Cook all together for another 15 minutes. After that, pour in the vodka. It improves the taste of the prepared dish, while also contributes to the removal of the smell of mud, which is typical for some types of fish.

When the ear is ready, we take out of it a bay leaf, pepper, onions and add butter butter. Before serving, add crushed herbs to each plate.

As you can see, the recipe for bass from a perch is quite simple, so boldly prepare to prepare this dish, the home will be grateful to you for its excellent taste!

Soup-ear - recipe

Many people think that a real ear should be cooked at a campfire, but we will tell you a recipe for a home-made soup. Believe me, this dish is just as good as it is cooked in nature.



We clean the fish, cut it in portioned pieces, spread it into a pan and fill it with water, cook it over moderate heat, taking off the foam that has periodically formed.

Meanwhile, we clean and cut into cubes potatoes, onions, carrots.

When the fish is cooked, we remove it and disassemble it into pieces, separating the meat from the bones. In the broth add salt to taste and potatoes, which must be boiled to half-cooked. After that, add onions and carrots and cook for another 10 minutes. Now slowly add semolina, constantly stirring, so that there are no lumps, cook for about 5 minutes, then add the bay leaf and fish.

And now an interesting moment of cooking the soup at home: give our home ear a smell of a fire. To do this, take a few wooden sticks (as an option, Chinese sticks), ignite them and stew in your ear, the main thing is that they are not bamboo sticks.

The recipe for cooking soups can be changed a little, for example, instead of a mango you can add rice, too, will be very tasty.