Hamster escaped from the cage - how to return the fugitive?

Who kept the house of hamsters, he knows that this is a very active and inquisitive animal. Incredibly alive pet and strives to escape at the first opportunity! This may be a slightly open cell door, an unreliable lock, a small gap from the drained trough or drinker. A brisk animal can even leave a house or cage, which was kept for a long time, accidentally discovering a wider opening between the rods.

The search for a fugitive is very problematic because the hamster can squeeze into the tiniest space. In addition, that the loss of a pet is an unpleasant event in itself (the flight of a pet especially upsets children), the rodent also starts to master the living space, adapting it to himself. In particular, he arranges a nest in a place inaccessible to a man: in a pantry, on the mezzanine, behind a furniture wall and even inside a sofa. In this hamster can damage wallpaper, wooden furniture and upholstery upholstery. The process of uncontrolled movement around the apartment is dangerous for the animal. A threat to his life can be carried by electric wires, household chemicals, loose objects, heating radiators. Also dangerous to the hamster are other domestic dwellers - cats and dogs, who simply can eat it.

What measures can be taken when searching for a fugitive?

If you find a missing pet in the first minutes after it disappears, immediately close the door to the room where the cage is located, it is likely that the animal has not yet left the room. Turn off all sound reproducing devices such as a TV, tape recorder, etc. and listen: it is likely that you will hear the rustling, published by a hamster. Sometimes a pet that lives for a long time responds to the nickname. Try to call him by name.

If these measures did not work, begin an active search for furniture items, inside the lower boxes and shelves. If you do not find a hamster, spread the search zone to other rooms, carefully examining the smallest holes, the space between the wall and furniture, shoes, boxes, etc.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to locate a hamster, therefore, it is necessary to take measures to catch it taking into account the lifestyle of the rodent. A hamster is a nocturnal animal, probably with the onset of darkness, he will leave the shelter and go in search of food. Place a tasty bait (for example, sunflower seeds) for a runaway pet on foil or cellophane, spread out in several places so you hear a rustling and quickly react. You can also pour a little flour or starch near the bait. The traces left will lead you to the place of shelter.

You can also put the fragrant bait in a vessel with high walls, for example, in a two- or three-liter jar. Attach a sloping ditch to the vessel. A hungry animal, attracted by the smell of a favorite treat, climbs on a plank in a jar, and from there it will not be able to get out.

A tame animal can return to its habitual home. To do this, put a cage on the floor in which the hamster was kept, leaving the door open. Often the fugitive returns to his native penates.

Alas, alas! It is not always possible to find the loss, sometimes the hamster begins to travel between the slabs in the slabs, getting into the neighboring apartments. This is especially possible in buildings built in the 60s-80s of the last century, which have significant structural defects. Be sure to ask neighbors if they find your pet in their apartment, if possible, catch and return it to you.

But it is best that the hamster does not run away, you need to take care of it properly , periodically check the safety of the rods, latches and, of course, do not leave the cell door open, securely closing the latch.