Dysplasia in dogs - symptoms

Dysplasia in dogs is a disease in the course of which their hip joints are destroyed, most often it affects the hind limbs of the animal. This is a scourge of large dogs, such as St. Bernards , Labradors , Shepherds.

The causes of dysplasia in dogs can be several: first, it may be a genetic ailment; secondly, dysplasia may occur due to malnutrition of the animal; thirdly, the cause of this disease can be the overweight of the pet, which gives too much strain on the limbs.

Signs of dysplasia in dogs

So, how does dysplasia develop in dogs? Often, this disease is identified when the animal turns a year and a half. And this is not accidental, because it is during this period that the dog grows rapidly and gaining weight. Untimely treatment of dysplasia leads in the future to canine limp, which may not manifest immediately.

The dog has exactly dysplasia, if there are such symptoms - the animal hardly rises after lying on the floor or the ground; it is difficult for him to climb the stairs; the gait of the dog is uneven, and slightly swaying and limping, the animal is unpleasant and painful touching the hip.

We need to closely monitor the puppy: if he likes to lie with his hind legs stretched out to the sides and does this often, he probably has dysplasia. In addition, one must be on the alert if the animal quickly gets tired for a walk or runs, pushing at once with two paws from behind.

Dysplasia is a very unpleasant disease for a dog, which can bring her a lot of trouble. Completely rid the animal from it today can only be surgically. However, the discovered disease at an early stage is much easier to control, so do not miss this opportunity to help your pet.