Tides in menopause - treatment

Tides are the most common symptom of climacteric syndrome in women during menopause. It begins to appear about 2 years before the onset of menopause and the cessation of ovarian function. We will consider methods how to alleviate and reduce tides in menopause.

Tides with menopause - symptoms:

The ebb and flow of the climax last for several seconds, but, in general, this symptom is very long, it can be present for years.

Tides during menopause is the cause

The determining factor is a sharp change in the hormonal status of a woman. A sudden decrease in the level of estrogen directly affects the work of the hypothalamus, which is responsible for regulating body temperature, appetite and sleep. Lack of a hormone leads to the fact that this part of the brain perceives a normal level of body temperature as increased, the frequency of contractions of the heart increases, the pores expand and intensified sweating begins. Similarly, the hypothalamus protects the body from overheating during heat.

Very strong and nocturnal tides with menopause occur if the menopause period lasts shorter than usual. In addition, this symptom is particularly pronounced under the following conditions:

Naturally, with climacterium, tides require treatment, because they give the woman a lot of inconvenience and significantly worsen the quality of life.

How to reduce and treat hot flushes with menopause:

  1. Antidepressants. These drugs help to regulate the nervous system and have a mild soothing effect.
  2. Hormone replacement therapy. The intake of artificial estrogens and progesterones is very effective in combating tides.
  3. Sedatives. This type of medication has an intense soothing effect, so that the frequency of tides decreases.
  4. Hypotensive drugs. Means for lowering blood pressure control the expansion and narrowing of blood vessels, and also normalize the heart rate.

Tides in menopause - treatment with folk remedies:

Effective is a phytonite:

Another tool:

In addition to the main treatment, you need to pay attention to your lifestyle and nutrition. It is desirable to sleep well, enough to rest and give preference to a healthy diet.