Lays the ears in the plane

If you ever flew in an airplane, you know how much there pins ears. Even sometimes there are cases when the ear hurts after the airplane. For what reason this can happen and what to do about it, we will consider in this article.

Why does he put his ears on the plane?

Lays his ears most often during takeoff and landing of the aircraft, because at these moments the pressure in the cabin changes rapidly and a difference in the pressures of the external environment and the human body is formed. This condition will last until the body can not equalize these pressures.

How is the pressure equalization in the body?

The human ear is a very sensitive organ, and for the normal operation of the tympanic membrane, it is necessary that the air pressure coincide on both sides of it (in the external auditory canal and in the tympanic cavity). The body itself balances the pressure by using the ventilation function of the eustachian tube that connects the nasopharynx with the drum cavity. Air enters the drum cavity from the nasopharynx with each swallowing movement and helps maintain internal pressure at the level with the atmospheric.

We fight with unpleasant sensations

Therefore, in order to cope with the state of the stuffed ears in the plane, you can perform such simple actions:

If your ears are very sore when taking off and landing the aircraft, or if the feeling that the ears have piled up for a long time does not pass after the aircraft, in this case such symptoms can be provoked by ear illnesses and you should seek medical advice.