Bed for a dog

Any owner of a pet knows that the pet should be taught to sleep in his corner from the first day, the dog bed is a great place to sleep, comfortable and comfortable. In such a shelter the dog can rest and hide from the importunity of people.

There are many models for sleeping arrangements for four-legged pets.

Types of beds for dogs

The beds differ, first of all, in size. There are sleeping places for:

Any bed should fit the size of the pet.

Sleeping places are available in several types:

  1. Standard stove . A typical dog bed is a couch. It looks like a mattress or pillow and has no edges. There are different shapes, colors and sizes;
  2. Bed with side . Such a product resembles a stove, but is equipped with raised edges that give additional support and comfort. Round cribs with bumpers are suitable for pets who prefer to curl up in a ball.
  3. Wooden bed . This model is raised from the floor. The designs of wooden models are:
  • Armchair-bed . There are even chair beds for dogs, they are installed on boxes, chrome legs, have low backs, can be equipped with an internal storage box.
  • Closed beds . This cot-houses, are made of plush, combined with woven materials. Especially small houses like small dogs.
  • People improve their homes not only for themselves, but also for their pets. Bed for the dog - a cozy corner of your own, in which she will feel safe.