The right diet for losing weight

The best thing you can do for a gradual and irretrievable weight loss is the transition to proper nutrition for slimming. Do not be tempted by the stereotypes that in this menu there is nothing but boiled chicken and steamed vegetables! The correct diet for weight loss can be very diverse, tasty and attractive. In addition, it can be eaten unlimitedly long before and after losing weight - this will maintain weight, not to mention the fact that in this way you prolong your youth and beauty.

How to eat right and lose weight?

First of all, proper nutrition excludes foods that do not benefit the body, vitamins and trace elements, but only empty calories and "chemistry". Under the list to an exception from a diet such products suit:

Do you think this is too much? No, you will not even notice when all this will go out of your diet, as you can introduce tasty and useful substitutes.

How to choose the right diet?

Include in your diet everything you like, except for the forbidden list, but distribute it in the right order. The rules are simple:

Eating so, you effortlessly will lose excess kilograms at a rate of 1 - 1.5 kg per week. It will be getting rid of fat, which means that everything that goes away, with proper nutrition in the future will never return.

The diet is correct and effective

Knowing how to choose the right diet, you can be your own dietician. If you still doubt, pay attention to these menu options:

Of course, the "/" sign should be interpreted as "either this or another," and not try to fit all the options into the daily ration at once.