Wraps for weight loss

Wraps, originally, were used solely to fight cellulite, but soon it was discovered that these procedures not only fight orange peel, but also reduce body volume, remove excess fluid, rejuvenate and tone up the skin. For one procedure of wraps for weight loss, you can lose up to 1.5 kg of body weight, and up to 3 cm in volume. Of course, most of 1.5 kg is a liquid, but after all, excess fluid does not lead to the most exciting prospects - cellulite . In any case, we can safely say that wraps will bring huge and versatile benefits to the whole organism.


There are many recipes for wraps. However, if we talk about the types of wraps for weight loss, then all procedures can be divided into two categories:

Cold wraps tone, tighten the skin, narrow the pores. Weight in this case is reduced by increasing the energy consumption of the body to maintain its own temperature, that is - for warming. Cold wraps are suitable for people with venous veins, since they can not under any circumstances use hot analogs.

Hot wraps open pores and remove toxins, slags, excess liquid. Wraps enhance metabolism, and fats begin to split more actively.

However, wraps for weight loss are so effective not only due to the temperature properties, but also due to the individual healing properties of the various components. Here it is, where to go!

Types of wraps:

And this is just a list of the main and most popular components of wraps. Now tell you how to prepare the skin and potion, if you do wraps for losing weight at home.


  1. Rasparit and cleanse the skin. To do this, wash under the shower, cleanse the skin with a scrub and a stiff massage brush. After cleansing, wipe yourself with the softest towel.
  2. Then we prepare the mixture: honey - warm up, clay - dilute with water, seaweed soak for 20 minutes, chocolate - melt, cinnamon and pepper to dissolve with oils, and coffee to dissolve with milk.
  3. We put the mixture in circular movements on the problem areas, wrapped in food film. To do this, make the first turn around the waist, then spiral down to the left foot, go back to the waist and go down to the right leg. The last coil should be at the waist.
  4. The duration of the procedure is 40-80 min. At this time, you should lie under a rug to watch your favorite film about losing weight .
  5. We wash off the medicine, if there is a desire, you can take a salt bath. After applying anti-cellulite or moisturizing cream.

The procedures are repeated every other day, the course - 10-14 procedures.

If you prefer wraps for weight loss in the cabin about all this, you do not need to worry anymore. The cosmetologist will choose the most suitable mixture for you, there is also an opportunity to aggravate the process of losing weight with an infrared sauna and Vitamin Masks for the body.


Alas, the wraps also have contraindications. Procedures can not be carried out for people with cardiovascular diseases, pregnant women, with any neoplasms, gynecological diseases, kidney failure.

Even if you do not have any contraindications, observe the minimum safety rules: do not overtighten the limbs with food film, do not eat 2 hours before and after the procedure, and also on the day of wraps, consume more liquid up to 2.5 liters of water, food.