What is the metabolism in the human body and how to disperse it?

Many people do not think about how complex our body is. Among the various processes taking place in the human body, we must not forget that such a metabolism, because thanks to him, living beings, including man, can maintain their vital functions - breathing, reproduction and others. Often the general state of health and weight of a person depend on the metabolism.

What is the metabolism in the human body?

To understand what metabolism is in the body, you need to understand its essence. Metabolism is the scientific term for metabolism . This is a combination of chemical processes, through which the food consumed turns into the amount of energy that a living creature needs to maintain vital functions. This process occurs with the participation of special enzymes that promote the digestion and assimilation of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. For humans, it plays a crucial role, because it participates in the processes of growth, respiration, reproduction, regeneration of tissues.

Metabolism and catabolism

Often, in order to maintain health and not worry about the problem of excess weight , it is important in the process of vital activity to observe the balance between consumed and expended energy. From the scientific point of view, this is explained by the fact that metabolic processes consist of two stages:

  1. Anabolism , during which the synthesis of substances into more complex structures, which requires certain energy costs.
  2. Catabolism , in which, on the contrary, the complex substances decompose to simple elements and the necessary energy is released.

The two above processes are inextricably linked to one another. During catabolism, energy is released, which can later be directed to the functioning of anabolic processes, which will lead to the synthesis of the necessary substances and elements. On the basis of what has been written, it can be concluded that one concept under consideration follows from the second.

Metabolic disorders - symptoms

Often accelerated, or, conversely, slow metabolism, can be the cause of some changes in the work of the body. To prevent such a situation, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle , give up harmful habits and listen to your own body. Slow or rapid metabolism can manifest itself as the following symptoms:

Such signs, in addition to changes in metabolic processes, may indicate serious health problems. Therefore, it is important to seek advice from a doctor in time. Perhaps additional testing and testing may be required to determine the exact diagnosis and the correct treatment.

Types of Metabolism

It is not enough to know what metabolic processes are, it's important to understand its types:

  1. The protein type is characterized by a pronounced parasympathetic nervous system, as well as rapid oxidation. A person with a similar metabolism is often hungry, does not welcome strict diets, constantly feels hungry, maybe nervous and quick-tempered. Despite external energy, he is tired, or even emaciated. In such cases, a protein diet may be recommended, but completely eliminating carbohydrates is not always advisable, because they are a source of glucose;
  2. Carbohydrate metabolism, on the contrary, is characterized by a sympathetic nervous system and slow oxidation. In such cases, people do not depend on eating sweet, have a weak appetite and like coffee. Often they differ in the A-shaped type of the figure. As a rule, in such cases, a carbohydrate diet is prescribed, but under the condition of control by the doctor. This is due to the fact that such food can promote weight gain and negatively affect human health;
  3. Mixed type is characterized by the signs of the first and second type, but with less pronounced characteristics. People are often tired, they may feel anxious. They love the sweet, but they do not always face the problem of excess weight.

How to disperse the metabolism?

There is an opinion that the faster the metabolism, the fewer problems arise with body weight. How to accelerate the metabolism for weight loss? There are a number of methods - various diets, herbal infusions, vitamin complexes and medications, but they are not always reliable, because the weight of a person depends not only on metabolism. Do not forget about the features of the body and physical activity. It is important to remember that accelerated metabolism can be a symptom of health problems.

Products that accelerate metabolism

Thinking about how to increase metabolism, many people choose certain foods for their diet. Sometimes it is recommended to eat in small portions several times a day and do not forget about drinking water. Often this menu includes:

Drinks to accelerate metabolism

Sometimes the acceleration of metabolism can cause the consumption of certain beverages. In addition to a liquid diet, one should not forget about adequate nutrition and moderate physical exertion. As beverages it is recommended to take:

Vitamins for metabolism and fat burning

The question is how to speed up the metabolism in the body, it is better to ask the doctor. This is due to the fact that any extraneous interference can adversely affect the human body. After the examination and the establishment of an accurate diagnosis, a diet can be prescribed and the intake of additional vitamins, such as:

Preparations that improve metabolism

Sometimes, when thoughts arise about how to improve metabolism and lose weight, there is a desire to use all sorts of drugs. Among them, BADs from the series "Turboslim" and "Lida", which have a number of contra-indications, have become very popular:

Any drugs should be taken only after consulting a doctor and clarifying the diagnosis. Uncontrolled reception of such funds can negatively affect the patient's health, and the dispersal of metabolism will remain an insignificant problem. As prescriptions, stimulants, anabolics and other strong drugs are sometimes used, so it is important to consider the presence of contraindications and side effects:

Herbs for the acceleration of metabolism

As a way to change the speed of metabolic processes, all kinds of herbal infusions and decoctions are sometimes used. It is important to take into account the lack of allergies, health problems and other features of the body, which say that before using herbal infusions it is better to consult a doctor. Herbs that accelerate metabolism, can be as follows:

Exercises to accelerate metabolism

In addition to proper nutrition and vitamin complexes, to accelerate the metabolism sometimes recommend sports exercises. How to improve metabolism with exercise? Useful will be:

  1. Walking at a moderate pace and walking in the fresh air - they do not require special training and attending the gym.
  2. Another exercise can be squats that can be performed at home.
  3. Sometimes recommend push-ups from the floor, running in place, swinging the abdominal muscles. Interval training is becoming popular, in which physical activity alternates with rest during the performance of one group of exercises.

How to slow down metabolism and gain weight?

Thinking about how to slow down metabolism, it is important to remember that such actions will not always be useful for human health, even if it is necessary for weight gain. There are several recommendations, the performance of which may allow some reduction in the rate of metabolic processes, but the lack of medical control in their implementation can cause negative consequences:

It is evident that these recommendations basically contradict the principles of proper nutrition, so they can be applied in the most extreme cases on the recommendation of a doctor. Do not forget about hereditary factors that can affect the result of the desired weight gain after a decrease in metabolic rate.

It will be useful for any person to know what metabolism or metabolism is, what are its characteristics and what it depends on. Vital vital processes are directly connected with it, therefore, when observing any signs of metabolic disorders, it is important not to take independent actions without consulting a doctor.