Pancreatin in early pregnancy

Fetching the baby from the very first weeks does not always go smoothly. Many women are already in the first trimester begins to suffer heartburn, constipation, toxicosis, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen and other symptoms of malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract.

In the nonpregnant state, all these symptoms can be easily removed by taking a drug to improve the digestive system - most often Pancreatin or its foreign counterparts Mezim and Festal. But how to be, if a new life has arisen under your heart?

Can I drink Pancreatin during early pregnancy?

It should immediately be noted that self-medication pregnant women in any case can not be engaged. After all, to a fragile fetus, it would seem that the usual drugs that we are accustomed to using, without even thinking about the consequences, can have a significant effect.

Pancreatin is an enzyme that the body lacks in the event of a malfunction in the pancreas. Its shortage negatively affects the digestion of food, its movement through the intestines, and often leads to constipation, eructation, increased gas production and painful spasms of the intestine.

All these symptoms are also observed in a pregnant woman, but they are not caused by a pancreatic disease and a decrease in the production of their pancreatin, but for entirely different reasons.

It's all about the active production of progesterone, a pregnancy hormone that relaxes not only the muscular musculature of the uterus, thereby preserving pregnancy, and all the rest of the smooth muscles in the body.

That is, the walls of the stomach, sphincters, intestines begin to work half-heartedly, lose their tone and food progresses with difficulty, causing symptoms similar to pancreatitis - pancreatic disease.

Thus, during pregnancy Pancreatin is not necessary to use - there will be no effect from it, but the threat to the health of the baby is quite real. He is appointed only if the woman previously suffered from pancreatitis or was diagnosed during pregnancy. But even then the doctor should prescribe the drug.

The answer to the question whether pregnant can drink Pancreatin is perfectly clear - it can only be done in case of illness, and even then physicians carefully weigh the risk to the fetus and benefit the mother before assigning this non-causative remedy.