Physiotherapy: magnet

In the treatment of most diseases, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed. They not only accelerate remission and promote rapid recovery, but also do not always require the simultaneous use of medications. One of the most effective techniques that physiotherapy has is a magnet with a low-frequency field. This method is suitable for treating virtually any pathology of internal organs and systems.

Magnet therapy - mechanism of action

The human body and the biological fluids that circulate in it consist of cells, which in turn are formed by molecules. Each of them is ionized - it has an electric charge. When exposed to the body of a low-frequency magnet, weak currents arise, which perform the following functions:

Magnet treatment - indications

This technique has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, sedative, anti-edema effect on the body. In addition, magnetotherapy promotes resorption of hematomas, improvement of microcirculation of blood in tissues and elimination of thrombi. Therefore, it is advisable to use it with the following problems:

Very high efficiency has the treatment of joints with a magnet, in particular diseases such as arthrosis and arthritis. First of all, the use of this method allows you to quickly achieve relief of inflammation and eliminate pain syndrome. Moreover, it is this type of physiotherapy that helps to improve the mobility of the joint - the magnet provokes an increase in the level of the formation of the cartilaginous tissue. In this case, in a short time, excessive swelling of the affected limbs disappears, their functionality is restored.

Treatment with neodymium magnets

This type of magnet is used to structure water. The essence of the method is that, under the influence of the electromagnetic field, the molecules of the liquid are aligned in such a way that they acquire therapeutic properties:

You can safely carry out this treatment with a magnet at home, but remember that the water remains structured for no more than 3 hours after performing the magnetization procedure. Therefore, it is advisable to drink liquid almost immediately after using the device.

How is the magnet treated?

For therapy, special instruments are used, for example, the Pole. The first procedure lasts no more than 5 minutes, the magnet is acted locally, either by applying it to the skin, or by leaving an air layer. During the course of physiotherapy, which is 20 sessions, the time of application of the device increases to 15-20 minutes.

Physiotherapy and magnet treatment - contraindications

It is strictly prohibited to use the proposed methodology in such cases: