Works in the garden and the garden start not at the end of spring, when, at last, frosts leave, but much earlier. It's not a secret that a lot of land owners do not buy seedlings, but are engaged in its growing independently. And this concerns, in particular, the whimsical pepper. And if you have never tried your strength in this, we will show you how to plant the Bulgarian pepper on seedlings.
When you plant Bulgarian pepper on seedlings?
The time of sowing Bulgarian pepper for seedlings is determined by the climatic features of your region. So, for example, in the southern regions growing seeds are already at the end of February. In the climate of the middle zone, pepper is sown in the beginning - in the middle of March.
Preparing the seeds of the Bulgarian pepper for planting
Most seeds from a quality producer undergo special treatment. But if you are unsure, we recommend that the seed be omitted for 10-15 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate, which is prepared by diluting 3 ml of the drug in 100 ml of water. Note that the ready solution must be heated to 40-50 degrees. After that, the seeds are placed in a damp cloth for a few days in order for them to proklyunulis. Thanks to this procedure, the seeds will sprout more quickly in the soil after planting.
Planting of Bulgarian pepper on seedlings
The ideal for the Bulgarian pepper earth is a nutritious soil with excellent drainage properties. It can be easily found in a specialized store or make up your own. Good for this purpose is a mixture of sand, peat and chernozem, taken in equal proportions. Experienced gardener recommends adding a little vermiculite to the ground, which retains moisture well.
The prepared soil mixture is distributed over cups or small pots. Before planting, the land is well watered. Then in the soil make a small groove, which then put the seed which has turned up and gently fall asleep. Containers with seeds are stored in a warm place, where the thermometer reaches + 26 + 28 degrees. When you notice that there are shoots, the temperature in the room should be reduced to comfortable for seedling of Bulgarian pepper + 22 + 24 degrees.
How to care for sprouts of Bulgarian pepper?
Throughout the growth period, young plants require your care and care. Firstly, in no case do you forget about timely watering. For this purpose, room temperature water is used. Watering is carried out as necessary, not allowing the earthling to dry out. Also spray the seedlings daily from the spray gun.
Growing sprouts of Bulgarian pepper even on the windowsill may require the owner of additional lighting. In general, pepper is a pretty light-loving culture. If you notice that the plants are stretched or become pale, it means that the sun's rays are not enough for them. In this case, either move the pots to the south window sill, or use
Transplanting of sprouts of Bulgarian pepper is made when the volume of small cups becomes insufficient for actively developing root system. They usually focus on the appearance of three or four real leaves. In this case, young plants are neatly transplanted into new pots of a larger volume (up to 0.6-1 l).
Bait is an important aspect of caring for seedlings of Bulgarian pepper. For the first time it is carried out when the plants will have 1-2 real leaves. In a liter of water, it is necessary to dilute 1 g of potassium fertilizers, 0.5 g of ammonium nitrate and 3 g of superphosphate . After 10-14 days, the procedure is repeated using the same composition.