Allocations during pregnancy

The main concern of a pregnant woman is the careful care of her health and the health of her unborn baby. That is why it is so important to be attentive to any changes that occur in the body of a future mother - even such trifles as a discoloration of the color or smell of vaginal discharge can cause the doctor to alert and take the necessary measures in time. But what discharge during pregnancy can be attributed to normal, and which are not?

  1. At the initial stage of pregnancy, the work of the uterus regulates progesterone, the allocation at this time is meager and viscous. From the 13th week in the blood, estrogen levels increase and the secretions become abundant and more dense. Normal discharge during pregnancy is clear, or whitish shade and without a sharp odor. They usually do not cause discomfort to women, but gaskets can be used to reduce irritation.
  2. You need to be alert, if the allocation changes color or steel smell sharply. These may be the symptoms of any infection. With thrush discharge is whitish, curdled with a sour smell. Its causative agent is the fungus of the genus Candida. To prevent the transmission of infection to the child and complications during childbirth, thrush requires treatment. Use antifungal drugs and various local products in the form of trays. The husband also needs to be treated.
  3. In addition to candidiasis, against the background of a reduced immunity, I can assert myself and other diseases. Appearing during pregnancy, yellowish discharge, grayish or greenish tinge, speak of sexually transmitted diseases. Their treatment is usually carried out in the second trimester of pregnancy with the help of vaginal suppositories. A partner should be treated also.
  4. Sputum discharge during pregnancy can occur when a threat of miscarriage, they require immediate medical attention.
  5. Brownish discharge during pregnancy is very dangerous, when they appear, you need to urgently go to the gynecologist. Such discharges have many different causes for their appearance.
  6. During pregnancy, spotting in the first trimester often indicates a lack of progesterone and can trigger a spontaneous miscarriage. Dark discharge during pregnancy or light red accompanied by pains in the lower abdomen, provided that they are not abundant, can pass if time to take medications containing progesterone.
  7. Another cause of bleeding is ectopic pregnancy (embryo development in the fallopian tubes). This condition threatens the life of a woman, as it is accompanied by tissue rupture and severe bleeding. With bleeding, there are pains in the fallopian tube, blood pressure drops sharply, and loss of consciousness is possible. With such symptoms, a woman needs urgent medical help.
  8. Bloody discharge during pregnancy is unacceptable and it is necessary to find their cause. One of the reasons is cervical disease. And abundant spotting, and small bleeding during pregnancy can talk about erosions of the cervix. Usually, erosion treatment is performed after childbirth. In the last weeks of pregnancy, such allocation can be explained by placenta previa (its wrong position - if it closes the entrance to the cervix).

Pregnancy requires a woman to be attentive to herself. Allocations can talk about various kinds of changes, which the doctor should understand. This is especially true for bloody discharge. About 80% of miscarriages occur in the early stages of pregnancy, so you need to be very careful and be sure to consult with your doctor for any changes in your health.