Where is vitamin B12?

The lack of vitamins in food leads to hypovitaminosis. Symptoms are: drowsiness, rapid fatigue, absent-mindedness, frequent colds, skin, hair and nails deteriorate.

Usually vitamins are divided into two categories: fat-soluble and water-soluble . Vitamins C, P and B vitamins are water soluble. The human body retains a reserve of fat-soluble vitamins, but there are no water-soluble vitamins, so their constant intake is necessary. Nevertheless, there is one water-soluble vitamin, which the body is able to accumulate - it is vitamin B12 - cyanocobalamin, the only useful element containing cobalt. However, it does not accumulate in fats, but in the liver, kidneys, lungs and spleen.

Deficiency of vitamin B12 leads to nervous disorders, muscle dysfunction. He participates in the process of formation of red blood cells, is necessary for enriching the whole body with red blood cells with oxygen, improves memory and ability to learn, strengthens bones, rejuvenates the body. In addition, this vitamin is necessary for the assimilation of other B vitamins.

For weight loss, vitamin B12 has a significant supporting role. For carnitine, the so-called quasivitamin, the presence of vitamin B12 in the body in sufficient quantities is necessary. This quasi-vitamin is responsible for the transport of fat molecules to the mitochondria, where fat is converted into energy. Carnitine is necessary for the oxidation of fats, and, therefore, for weight loss.

What is vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12 is not produced in the body, it must be obtained from food, vitamin complexes or biologically active additives, but the use of natural food brings more benefits than artificial additives. The greatest amount of vitamin B12 is found in foods of animal origin, especially in the liver. Seafood such as octopus, crabs, salmon, mackerel and cod, also have a high content of this vitamin.

Beef, pork, lamb and rabbit meat can easily fill the body's need for vitamin B12, like cheese, chicken eggs and dairy products, especially sour cream.

Many researchers argue that vegetable food does not contain this vitamin at all, that it is formed as a result of the vital activity of some bacteria and therefore vegetarians have a deficit of vitamin B12. It is worth noting that dieticians and doctors adherents of vegetarianism, as a lifestyle of life at the root do not agree with this. They believe that greens and vegetables are inferior in content to vitamin B12 products of animal origin, but still it is present in them in sufficient quantities. Spinach, sea ​​kale , green onions, soy and lettuce are vegetarian sources of vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12 is retained in foods when heated and stored. It destroys only sunlight, so store the food in a dark place.

Negative effects of vitamin B12

The daily dose of vitamin B12 3 μg, with increased the content of this vitamin can be harmful, due to its high biological activity. Symptoms of an overdose of vitamin B12 are: pain in the region of the heart or a violation of the heart activity, nervous excitement.

Negative on the absorption and content of vitamin B12 in the body affects the intake of birth control pills, hormones and other medicines.

Water-soluble vitamins are easily excreted from the body by the kidneys, but a decrease in the level of vitamin B12 in the blood takes time. Avoid excessive consumption of vitamins or dietary supplements containing vitamin B12.