The most faithful dogs

In addition to strength, bravery, intelligence and stamina, people have always valued in dogs one more outstanding quality - devotion. It is not surprising that when purchasing a puppy, everyone desires to get such a pet, who would have maximum affection for a family member and was an excellent defender in the house. Most faithful to the owner of the dog became the heroes of films and books, in their honor even monuments and memorable signs were erected. Perhaps our rating will help you make the right choice and find yourself an excellent four-legged friend.

Which dogs are the most faithful?

  1. Akita-inu . Most of these lists are headed by a Japanese Akita breed, which received great advertising after the release of the picture of the touching fate of a dog named Khatiko. It turns out that earlier these pets were famous for their excellent qualities, deserving the right to protect the emperor. For the deliberate killing of the Akita in medieval Japan, a rather severe punishment and public censure was supposed.
  2. Labrador . Further, the rating of the most faithful dogs in the world continues the breed Labrador. It is an ideal candidate as a family dog ​​or companion for a lonely person. Among Labradors, there are a lot of service dogs, rescuers, guide dogs. Such a pet will not offend the baby, he will help out and support the owner in a difficult moment.
  3. German Shepherds . According to intelligence, these dogs have always been at the top of all lists, not for nothing that they are the most popular breed among policemen, customs officers and rescuers. During the war under bullets German shepherds worked as orderlies, signalmen, helped scouts, often dying in combat during the performance of the task. Often they instinctively feel that the owner or children are in trouble, rushing them to the rescue.
  4. Collie . Scottish sheep-dogs to beginners are treated with suspicion, but when they fall in love with a certain person, they will already retain this feeling forever. Long collie wool requires special care, but if you decide to get yourself a similar dog, you will get a faithful and intelligent friend.
  5. St. Bernard . Raised St. Bernards look calm and even excessively phlegmatic in appearance animals, slowly and with dignity strolling around the house. Having fallen in love with the owner, these pets will be not only threatening watchmen, but also good nannies for children, with pleasure taking part in their amusements.
  6. Rottweiler . The huge and strong Rottweilers have a responsive and vulnerable character, in need of constant care and affection. Defending the host, they are able to fearlessly rush to stronger and more numerous opponents. With such a four-legged friend, you can safely go for an evening walk in the park.
  7. Doberman . Completing the rating of the most faithful breeds of dogs is another excellent service breed with high intelligence and excellent physical data called Doberman. In the old paintings about the war, they were often shown as evil and aggressive dogs, which somewhat spoiled their image. In fact, the educated Doberman is always a dog-personality, an attached and excellent friend, a balanced and observant pet.