Competitions for the corporate for women

Any holiday is capable of giving fun fun and interesting contests. The corporate for women is a special case, you need to approach it with a soul. Arrange an unforgettable holiday in honor of the day of March 8 or on the occasion of the birthday of the girl can be easy and simple, the main thing is to create an easy atmosphere that promotes a good mood.

Contests for the corporate at the table

To start to warm up the public on the corporate can be quite possible with drinking competitions for women, when the guests are not yet ripe for mobile numbers. In this case, the "Question-answer" contest is the best for the corporate. The essence of it is as follows: the evening host takes a card with a question and reads it to a randomly selected participant. She takes out a card with an answer from a special tray or bag and reads it aloud. For example, to the question "Do you like bald men" you can quite get the answer "Only in delirium." This competition helps to relax guests. The content of probable questions and answers depends on the composition of the participants in the event.

At the table you can still play "Guess the melody", when the ladies are divided into two teams. The music sounds, and who guesses more quickly what kind of song this team is and counts a point. Another good option is to guess the name of the film by the most popular phrase from it. There are a lot of table competitions, but do not get too carried away by them. After all, women do not want to sit around the table all evening.

The best corporate contests

Contests for women's corporate are usually funny and funny. One of them is called "Make a hairdress." Called four girls, which are divided into two teams. One participant of the other makes a beautiful hairstyle with the help of provided elastics, pins, bows and combs. This takes 2 minutes. Then the audience with applause chooses, whose hair they liked more. This team wins.

At a party in honor of March 8 , there are necessarily men. Girls will be pleased to see them in the contest "Compliments". Two participants take turns to tell the ladies compliments on a certain letter. Who is more inventive, he won.

A cheerful contest for girls and women on corporate - "Who is faster?" It's dancing in a circle to the music around the chairs, which are one less than the number of participants. When the music subsides, you need to sit down on a chair. Who did not have time - then flew. The one who sat on the last chair wins.

Contests for the holiday is very much, it is important to be able to properly select them.