How to celebrate February 14 with her husband?

In shops, teddy bears, beautiful postcards, hearts and other romantic trifles are increasingly bought, which means that the most cherished holiday for lovers is approaching - Valentine's Day . By the way, for some reason, a lot of couples in the age of this date celebrates everyday, getting off among themselves, at best, exchanging the trinkets bought at the kiosk. Why not for a tiny moment to remember the youthful years and, using the imagination, not to celebrate Valentine's Day uniquely.

What is the best way to celebrate February 14 with your husband?

  1. Traditionally, one of the most successful and convenient places to meet a couple in love is a restaurant in a cozy and quiet place. It is advisable not to choose an institution in a very noisy area, otherwise the romantic atmosphere can be disturbed by the drunken, drunken visitors. Of course, such institutions are always in demand, and reservations should be made in advance so that the desired evening does not turn into an endless search for a suitable café with a free table. By the way, it's worth knowing the list of dishes that can set men on a wave of passion - it's chocolate, most seafood, red wine, dishes with honey, ginger, cedar or walnuts.
  2. For some reason, many believe that times when couples in love spent time in the cinema, have already passed. Indeed, modern paintings with steep special effects when viewing them in the halls equipped with 3D systems, often resemble a magic show. But even now you can choose a suitable theme tape that will help you remember the young years during the evening session and give you the opportunity to romantically retire on the last row of the cinema.
  3. If your husband's movie does not interest you and the husband categorically does not want to celebrate on February 14 near the big screen, but still he is a lover of cultural rest, then buy tickets to the theater, opera, to the concert of a famous performer. For the sake of such an event, you can even make a trip to another city, where there is an interesting theatrical performance or a gorgeous show with the participation of the stars. A visit to such a grandiose event and the subsequent romantic dinner in a hotel room with a loved one will turn Valentine's Day into an unforgettable event.
  4. The following method will help those who want to know how interesting it is to note the approaching February 14 with her husband at home. Celebrating this event in your native walls is also a very popular option, because at home you will not be spoiled by a rough waitress outrage, bad music in a restaurant or a meeting with some obsessive passer-by on the street. But do not forget that preparing a room in a romantic style has always been the most important thing. Traditionally, the living room and bedroom of the hostess are decorated with garlands of red balls in the form of a heart, valentines, rose petals, bouquets of flowers. Install instead of the usual lighting in the room decorative candles, you can even out of them to put passionate inscriptions. Do everything so that when entering the premises of your loved one, a beautiful intimate surprise is expected.
  5. Many couples are lovers of outdoor activities and adventure. Among modern ways, how to celebrate the upcoming holiday on February 14 with her husband, there are a couple of original options that adventure and travel admirers will appreciate. Suitable is the purchase of a voucher for a ski resort, tickets to an aquapark, joint snowboard riding or going to a skating rink. The most extreme couples can even organize a balloon ride, so that in the skies again with passionate strong kisses to confirm their feelings.