How many live decorative rats?

Decorative rats are very clever and clever little creatures. They perfectly succumb to training, understandably react to the voice of the master and have a tremendous sense of devotion.

How many decorative rats live? This question is often asked by the owners of rodents. And the answer, unfortunately, pleases not many. According to average statistical calculations, it can be concluded that the lifetime of the rat is 3 years. This is not much at all. However, for such a period of time you can so love your pet that his seemingly expected withdrawal from life will be difficult to survive. That is why it is not recommended to get such animals especially sensitive and vulnerable.

What determines the life span of a decorative rat?

The lifespan of decorative rats depends on many factors, such as heredity, living conditions, lifestyle, nutrition, chronic illnesses , etc. If you want to maximize the life span of a decorative rat, then you will need to carefully plan the diet, walks, physical training of the pet, as well as his regular trips to the vet. Especially important are visits to the doctor after the first year of life of the animal. The fact that closer to two years in rats are actively beginning to progress various diseases: tumors, heart disease, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, etc.

It is difficult to convey how much fun amusing and cheerful decorative rats bring. If you study with a rodent, and just spend a lot of time with it, you can easily learn to understand each other in the language of gestures and sounds. There are many cases where the rat responds characteristically to a certain tapping or to the words of the host.

Strangely enough, but the breed of decorative rats on the duration of their lives is not reflected at all, which can not be said, for example, about dogs. A minor role in how many rodents can live is played by heredity. If the parents of the decorative rat had complex diseases transmitted by inheritance, then the probability that the heir will also suffer from this ailment is large enough.

Try to feed your pets with fresh products, and also provide them with a mobile lifestyle and then it is possible that you will be able to extend the life of the rat to 4 and up to 4.5 years, in history there have been such cases.