MCC for weight loss - how to take it?

In pursuit of a beautiful body without extra effort, women are ready to eat any pills that promise to get rid of fat once and for all. And with the increase in demand, the supply also grows, and as a result - the shelves of pharmacies literally burst from various drugs, including MCC for weight loss.

How does the ICC work?

Unlike most drugs for weight loss, MCC (it's also microcrystalline cellulose) is a truly natural remedy. In fact, it is cotton, which has all the qualities of fiber:

  1. MCC - satiety simulator . Getting in the gastrointestinal tract, cellulose is absorbed by water, swells and fills the whole space of the stomach, suppressing the feeling of hunger .
  2. MCC - janitor for weight loss . Swollen cellulose is not able to be digested in the stomach and, wandering through the digestive tract, it sweeps away all the "garbage" that gets in the way. That is, the MCC acts like a panicle, which cleanses the intestines from toxins and toxins.
  3. MCC is a regulator . This drug with a systematic intake contributes to the normalization of digestion.
  4. MCC is a fat burner . Due to the fact that when using cellulose a person is full and consumes less food, the body has to take energy from reserves, that is, from fat. Thus, subcutaneous fat is burned, a person grows thin, not exhausting himself with hunger strikes.

MCC - good and bad

In addition to the apparent weight loss effect, the MCC preparation also has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. Among its advantages:

In addition, the MCC for weight loss has perfectly proven itself as an effective prevention of nephrolithiasis and an excellent adsorbent in gastric indigestion. However, along with such an extensive list of useful properties, the MCC preparation for weight loss in some cases can negatively affect the body's work, provoking:

Does the ICC help you lose weight?

According to most reviews, cellulose MCC really allows you to say goodbye to excess kilograms quickly and without much effort. If you know how to properly take the ICC and strictly follow the instructions, then each week the scales will regularly show -1 kg. And this is a very impressive result.

But according to some information, at the end of taking the drug for the first time you can feel a feeling of severe hunger, as the stomach stops regularly filling up with cellulose. In this case, in order to preserve the result of losing weight, it is best to resort to diets that reduce stomach volume.

How to drink MCC for weight loss?

Tablets mts for weight loss should be taken strictly according to the instructions, gradually increasing the dosage:

  1. The first 4 days you should drink two pills three times during the day during a meal, or 20 minutes before a meal.
  2. On the fifth day, the dose of the drug is increased to five pills three times a day with meals, or in advance for meals. Such dosage should be adhered to for 1 week;
  3. After 7 days, increase the dose of MCC to 8-10 tablets per 1 reception and so three times during the day with meals.
  4. The maximum allowable dose of microcrystalline cellulose is 50 pills of 500 mg per day. However, it is better to stick to the median dose of 25-30 tablets for the whole day.
  5. By the end of the course of reception of cellulose, the dosage of the drug should be gradually reduced to a couple of tablets per reception three times a day.

For better effectiveness of the drug, the tablets should be crushed before powdering, mixed with a spoonful of water and drank the resulting mass, washed down with 1-2 glasses of water. The course of admission MSC is 1 month with moderate obesity, and up to 3 months with a strong stage of obesity. After a month's break, the course can be repeated.

In addition, it is allowed to mix crushed tablets to food:

Is it possible to combine MCC and alcohol?

Since microcrystalline cellulose is not a drug as such, the MCC and alcohol are completely compatible. However, we must not forget that MCC is a powerful adsorbent that reduces the quality of alcohol, while alcoholic beverages are extremely harmful when losing weight, and for health in general.

MCC contraindications

MCC (microcrystalline cellulose) has a number of contraindications, when its administration should be deleted or postponed until the condition is eased: