Brewing food products

Acid-base balance for the human body plays a big role. It determines how the processes of digestion will take place, whether our organism can easily accept food, or it will "come out sideways". In most people, acidification prevails, the test, using saliva or urine, is carried out with litmus test pieces, the normal reading ranges from 7 to 7.5 pH.

Acidifying and alkalinizing products

In addition to energy value , there is still an indicator of acid load. Food containing a high amount of sulfur-containing amino acids promotes high production of sulfuric acid, organic fats and carbohydrates increase acidity. The content of potassium, calcium and magnesium salts reduces acidity.

Understand the taste, which foods alkalize the body hard. To do this, it is worth familiarizing yourself with their indicators.

Alkalinizing and acidifying food products

An alkaline food should be taken at the same time as the excipients.

They include: sugar, baked beans, cereals, cream and cheese, nuts , eggs (especially protein), meat (very acidize chicken and beef liver), fish and seafood, sweets, alcoholic drinks and soda.

Products acidifying and alkalizing the human body, it is worth using to observe the proportion of 1: 1, during illness 1: 4. Thus, it is possible to achieve an acid-base balance.