Oat bran - benefit and harm

Today, a healthy lifestyle has become firmly established. But this is not only a rejection of bad habits and regular physical exercises, it is healthy food that is considered the basis of everything. Many modern people turn to dietitians for help, who gladly guide you on the right path, talking about the principles of healthy eating and the benefits of products that are advised to regularly include in their diet all the adherents of healthy lifestyles.

Our current topic will concern oat bran, which many confuse with oat flakes, although these are two completely different products. Oat bran is a shell of grain, which is removed when making flour, in fact, it is a waste part of the production.

Benefits of oat bran

Many healthy nutritionists say about the beneficial properties of bran. First of all, regular consumption of bran significantly reduces the level of cholesterol and can become a good prevention of diabetes, removes toxins from the body and has a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Studies that were conducted in the UK, have proven that, among other things, bran will protect the body from malignant tumors of the colon. Bran contains vitamins E and K, phosphorus, iron, potassium and monounsaturated fats.

If you include oat bran in your diet, then remember that in everything you need to know the measure, the daily rate of the product is 30 g. Before eating bran beforehand, you need to treat it with boiling water and soak in water for 30 minutes, otherwise it can be harmful the body and get problems with the intestines.

Caloric content of oat bran

Answering the question about how many calories in oat bran, we will mention the biological value of the product. In 100 g of the product contains 265 kcal, protein - 17 g, fat - 7 g, and carbohydrates - 66.5 g, so weight loss should take care of the product with care, pay attention to the volume of the portion, and try to use it in the morning.

Note that bran, despite the high caloric content, is a good assistant in losing weight, because they are slow carbohydrates, which means they are slowly broken down and maintain the blood glucose level at a constant level. And do not forget that they absorb the liquid well, which means that they quickly saturate the body, swelling in the stomach, so when observing a diet, include in your diet oat bran.