Lime tea is good and bad

In winter, a fragrant lime tea is popular, the benefit and harm of which depends on whether it is abused by it or whether they listen to the advice that everything is good, that is in moderation.

The Benefits of Lime Tea for Women

What is useful for lime tea and why is it so often used in the winter when there is a heightening of colds? The matter is that tea from a linden has a diaphoretic and antipyretic property. This is explained by the content of glycosides in it. Therefore, as soon as symptoms of a cold develop, you need to drink a cup of tea from a linden with a spoonful of honey. It is he who will strengthen all the useful properties of linden. To protect yourself from ARVI and colds, as a preventive measure, you can drink a glass of tea a day. This will be enough to maintain immunity and increase the body's resistance.

Thanks to phytohormones, which are quite a lot in lime color, many women can cope with such problems as:

Due to diuretic properties, lime tea is recommended for pregnant women who are prone to swelling. In addition, a fragrant drink can calm their nervous system.

Lime Slimming Tea

Due to the fact that lime tea is a good diuretic, it is advised to drink in a sauna or a bath. This will help to remove excess liquid and slag, and therefore, to reduce cellulite . It is very good to combine your diet with drinking this tea, since it, in addition to greatly reducing appetite, also enhances the metabolism process. All substances that are part of these fragrant inflorescences are beneficial for the whole body and help get rid of excess fatty deposits. But it's worth noting that if you just drink tea and do not make any more effort, you can hardly achieve good results.

Contra-indications of lime tea

Despite the fact that the use of lime tea is quite high, there are also contraindications. So, for example, it can not be used by people who suffer from heart disease. This is due to the fact that tea can increase the stress on the heart and complicate the condition. If there is an individual lice-color intolerance, then such a drink will have to be abandoned. It should also be remembered that the benefits of lime tea can degenerate if taken too often instead of the usual drink.