Birch Juice - Useful Properties

Birch juice is a colorless transparent liquid that flows in the trunk of a tree. Collect it with the help of deep cuts in the trunk, without harming the life of the tree. Since ancient times it is known that birch sap is famous for its useful properties for immunity, it is a fortifying and anti-inflammatory agent.

Is birch sap useful?

  1. The juice of the birch tree, which is harvested in the spring, fights best with seasonal hypovitaminosis. Replenishing the complex of nutrients lost during the winter, fresh birch juice gives strength to the body. Using a glass of juice, even a couple of times a week, you can get rid of fatigue and apathy .
  2. Birch sap perfectly copes with excess weight. To return a precise figure, like a birch, juice can thanks to the activation of the exchange processes. Improving the metabolism of cells, birch juice helps to remove all excess inclusions from the body - fats, slags and toxic substances.
  3. Irreplaceable its effect on the composition of blood. The drink raises the level of hemoglobin, while the blood is more saturated with oxygen and, therefore, better nourishes all tissues.
  4. Due to the diuretic action, this drink, fights hypertensive disease and acute respiratory viral diseases. The healing effect of diuretic components of birch sap extends to the organs of the urinary system. He is the most harmless panacea for pyelonephritis and kidney failure.
  5. Since birch juice is transparent - it does not contain coloring substances and allergens, so it can be used without restriction for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Perfectly quenching thirst and replenishing the volume of liquid, the juice saturates the body of a woman with all the necessary minerals and important vitamins that are passed on to the baby.
  6. In cosmetology, the birch sap is used to remove pigment spots, to smooth the complexion. Its antiseptic properties help to get rid of pimples and acne. Lotions with birch juice well heal small cuts and wounds.
  7. Daily washing with birch sap will replace all tonics and lotions. You can take care of the skin with fresh juice or stored in the form of frozen cubes. Influencing the skin of the face, the juice makes it healthy, tender and very smooth.
  8. Birch juice is recommended to use as a balm for hair. Thanks to the combination of a large amount of mineral substances in the juice, the hair collects an additional volume and becomes thicker.

Birch juice - composition

In the composition of birch sap is a rich set of minerals, important vitamins, various active substances and bactericides. Birch juice is rich in Group B vitamins, which are indispensable in metabolic processes and are essential for the clear functioning of the hematopoietic system. Even in the juice there is a large amount of vitamin C, it strengthens the walls of blood vessels, builds a protective barrier against the spread of colds, does not allow cells to pass toxins.

In birch sap, a rich chemical composition, including such a huge range of trace elements, which is difficult to detect in other products. The drink contains: potassium and magnesium, which strengthen the heart muscle; iron for the prevention of anemia; silicon and manganese, which are natural antioxidants, as well as a host of other important inclusions: titanium, nickel, aluminum, sodium, strontium, copper, barium, zirconium, phosphorus and even silver. Minerals from such an impressive list make stronger immunity and help the body resist any diseases.

Tannins, which are part of the juice, increase the resistance of mucous to infections and create an additional barrier to the skin. These properties of juice are used in the treatment of inflamed gums.

The birch drink is rich in important phytoncides, which kill viruses and have a pronounced bactericidal effect. With a daily intake of a miracle drink, you can forget about colds.

A pleasant taste of birch sap is attached, it contains glucose and fructose in combination with organic acids.