Heel pain in walking

The foot functions due to well-established mechanisms of interaction of bones, joints and muscle tissue. Pain in the heel when walking occurs due to various disorders, bacterial infections, injuries and even congenital pathologies. To treat such a symptom it is necessary to find out the determining factor of the problem and put the correct diagnosis.

Causes of severe pain in the heel

The most frequent disease, due to which the described phenomenon is observed, is the calcaneal spur. It is a solid outgrowth of bone tissue from below, in the region of the sole. Due to the progression of the disease, both the heel surface and the deep layers of muscles are damaged. Feelings are similar to traumatizing the foot with a sharp object (as if a person stepped on a nail or needle), intensified toward evening, after a long walk.

Less often the pain in the heel arises from the defeat of the sciatic nerve. This diagnosis is easy to check if you sit down on the edge of the chair and put the weight on the thigh. Increased discomfort and tension in the calf muscles indicate that the spine nerves are damaged.

Women often suffer from pain above the heel when walking and exercising. The disease is called exostosis, it looks like a heel spur, but the growths in this case are formed on the posterior upper, not the plantar part. In addition, an unpleasant sensation in this area is provoked:

Pain in the heels after walking is observed in the tunneling tarsal syndrome, characterized by infringement of the branches of the tibial nerve. Patients describe sensations as a pulsation or a deep abscess.

How to relieve pain in the heel?

The treatment of the symptom depends on the diagnosis.

With a calcaneal spur, therapy is performed in three directions:

  1. Reducing the load on the heel.
  2. Elimination of growths and simultaneous relief of inflammatory processes in soft tissues.
  3. Intensification of blood circulation in the foot.

In the severe stages of the disease, the heel constantly hurts and it is difficult to walk. In such cases, the use of a radio wave method of treatment is recommended. Its essence is that the patient is individually selected by the strength of the shock wave, which is increased with each session. After 2-3 courses of 4-6 procedures, you can completely or for the most part crush the bone growth.

For easy walking use:

  1. Wearing special insoles with a hole in the heel spurs , shoes without backs.
  2. Reception of hot relaxing baths for feet.
  3. Exercise from the complex of therapeutic gymnastics.

If the cause of the pain is squeezing the nerves, their roots or twigs, you need to turn to the neurologist, phlebologist and surgeon. Therapy should consist of taking anti-inflammatory non-narcotic analgesics, as well as a complex of physiotherapy procedures. Less often, surgical intervention is required.

With achillodynia and Achilloburissis treatment is the same. First, it is important to establish the nature of the inflammatory process. If the process is caused by bacteria, the doctor will prescribe a course of antibiotics. Elimination of the pain syndrome is achieved through the use of anesthetic drugs, both local and systemic, manual therapy, massage. One of the effective alternative methods is shock wave therapy combined with the wearing of orthopedic shoes, insoles, specially made socks.