How to get rid of bugs in the croup?

Imagine the sensation of any good housewife when she suddenly discovers bugs in the croup. But it is often impossible to get rid of them. Therefore, it is better to take preventive measures: in order not to wonder why there are bugs in the croup, experts recommend buying it in small batches in a transparent package.

Already injured croup is better not to use. But if you still feel sorry for throwing it away, then rice, buckwheat, beans and some other types of cereals can be washed. Then preheat the oven, sprinkle a thin layer on the baking tray, place in the oven and turn off the gas. It is desirable to repeat the procedure several times for the best result. Here's how you can try to get the beetles out of the groats.

Although, to be honest with you, lime bugs probably can not be, except to prevent their appearance.

Let's investigate products for the appearance of bugs

It is necessary to check the entire cabinet. It is better to discard the groats without regret, as a product not suitable for consumption. You can also open sealed bags and check for insects.

One should not even hope that ubiquitous beetles eat only cereals. They are in flour, dried fruits, nuts, pasta, and can even start in a dry food for cats and dogs, dried mushrooms, berries and cookies.

Did you find the bugs?

The first thing you should do is empty the food storage area. And throw away not just packages, but even paper, if you cover it with shelves.

Further pour the water into the basin, add detergent and thoroughly wash all the shelves. Particular attention must be paid to the cracks, all kinds of seams, the joints of the cabinet and its corners. Then dry the furniture. You can treat joints and slots with a special nozzle on the vacuum cleaner.

Then dilute a half a cup of vinegar to a cup of water and wipe the inside of the closet or pantry. Unspoilt products can be returned to their rightful place.

It is also worth to clean and check for leaks all the containers in which you store the products. To do this, pour water in them and turn them over. If there is a trickle or even a drop of water, discard.

Beetles in the groin - were brewed or we bought them in the store?

Most bugs are not bred, but we bring them with us from the store. There are even cases when in a sealed packet you find a substandard product, barely unloading purchases upon return from the market. To prevent this, when purchasing food products such as flour and cereals, carefully look at the date of manufacture. You can also burn the groats after buying, and then lay out on the containers.

Types of bugs

Do you want to know what bugs are in the croup? More often than not, it is the "Mukoyed of Surinam". He lives in factories, in our apartments, even in elevators and granaries. It can safely settle down where manna, oat, pearl barley, flour, rice, and other food products are stored. It feeds on breadcrumbs, dried fruits and dried berries.

This bug is a very prolific and tenacious insect. Female pests lay eggs in cracks, holes, joints of plates, and even on the surface of the packaging material. And the offspring can be excreted in the sacking of the burlap during transportation or packing of cereals.

Why such anxiety - are the bugs who live in the croup dangerous? The bugs themselves are not, but the products of their vital activity can be dangerous. They are toxic, they can be poisoned or even get anaphylactic shock .

Well, if you are so sorry to throw away food, it can be processed in a way that we have already described, and eat at your own peril and risk, but do not store it. As they say, it is impossible, but if you really want, then you can.