Aquarius and Gemini - compatibility in life and love

Between Gemini and Aquarius relationships are, as a rule, harmonious. They do not irritate each other, they always find a common language. If there is any connection between people of these two signs of the zodiac, they skillfully build the necessary line of relationships.

Aquarius and Gemini - compatibility in love

If the couple Gemini - a woman, and Aquarius - a man, they immediately attract each other. Energetic, sociable, she feels confident with him. If he is already fascinated by it, look around and look for another chosen one. Gemini and Aquarius are united by common features of character : both do not like monotony, they strive for self-development.

If there are disagreements between them, they even benefit. Criticism of each other contributes to self-improvement, because there are no unreasonable claims in the couple. Whether Aquarius is suitable for Gemini - yes, it is suitable, this union has every chance of creating a lasting relationship that will lead to the creation of a strong family.

Aquarius and Gemini in Marriage

The Union of Gemini and Aquarius is one of the best options. Aquarius does not like to care about anyone, even many people are accused of selfishness. And his wife Gemini does not require custody, as she does not need it. She, rather, herself will surround the second half with care, which he will certainly appreciate. Man-Gemini - Aquarius woman can also build a harmonious and lasting relationship.

Dimple family life can jealousy of a man to an unnecessarily sociable wife, who enjoys success and attention from the fans. To avoid disagreements and serious quarrels, spouses need just to talk and find a compromise solution. In general, the marriage of Aquarius and Gemini is going well. They do not make big riches; they can not give a big and comfortable future to their children, but they never make claims against each other on this matter.

Aquarius and Gemini - compatibility in bed

Gemini and Aquarius in sex find harmony and understanding. Aquarius is endowed with passionate passion and temperament, but knows what approach to find the second half. Partners are sure that after quarrels it is best to put up in bed, so sex for a couple is not in the last place. A woman coquettishly responds to the games of a man, embodies her fantasies, develops self-confidence . Bright and diverse sexual life between the representatives of these two signs is preserved for the entire romantic period.

Aquarius and Gemini - compatibility in friendship

A harmonious pair of Aquarius and Gemini - the friendship between them is as strong and strong as love. With Aquarius, a man is often difficult to find a common language, so he has few friends, but he himself is a devoted person who can not cheat, and the girlfriend values ​​this quality that others can not discern.

Aquarius and Gemini - compatibility are not bad. These people are interesting to each other, find common interests, spend time with benefit and pleasure. Communicate easily and at ease. If a man is a Gemini, a woman is Aquarius, there is harmony and mutual understanding between them. The girl is caring and kind, and Gemini - a man always tries to answer her the same, will not refuse help, will render any support.

Star couples Aquarius and Gemini

Gemini plus Aquarius is an easy, easy union in love, sex, friendship. They feel each other, they understand from a half-word, they are never bored together.

  1. Heidi Klum and Seal . This couple was called "Beauty and the Beast". He is black, with scars on his face. She is blond, gentle and beautiful. He looked with her as a knight, who had saved her broken heart. The force for Heidi was a wonderful lover, a friend, the father of her children. He said that the main thing in his life was that he was the husband of a beautiful woman. But the couple broke up, because Heidi cheated on him with the bodyguard.
  2. Natalie Wood and Robert Wagner - Aquarius and Gemini, whose compatibility was manifested in love and passion. From the first marriage they gave birth to two children. But soon something went wrong and the young people divorced. After a while, feelings began again between Robert and Natalie, and the couple got married again. Their happy marriage continued until the woman mysteriously drowned, riding on her own yacht with her husband and their friend Christopher Walken.