What are the signs of the zodiac?

The compatibility horoscope will tell you which signs of the zodiac are suitable for each other, and which are not. In addition, we are all different, each has its own characteristics, which our partners sometimes refuse to understand. Astrology will tell you how to establish relationships in pairs and help those who are in search of the one with whom you want to live your whole life.

Which zodiac signs are more suited to each other?

  1. Aries . For people born under this fire sign, it is necessary that the companion of life is one whose sign of the zodiac refers to the elements of air or fire. Aries are quite sensual and energetic, and therefore they need either the same madmen or people with a calm character capable of directing Aries energy in the right direction. Aries, Leo or Sagittarius - these are the signs of the zodiac, which are ideal for each other. And with whom it does not get along, it's with Capricorn and Pisces.
  2. Taurus . What can I say, but people born under this sign of the Zodiac are true to their partner, like no other. And let the Taurus women are rather powerful in nature, the family for them will always be in the first place. To the related elements are such signs as Virgo and Capricorn, representatives of the elements of the earth, as well as watermarks, Pisces and Cancer. And whether such signs of the zodiac as Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio and Leo fit each other are difficult.
  3. The twins . This airy, at times frivolous, sign of the Zodiac needs a partner who will differ in predictability and conservatism, and this is Cancer and Capricorn. It is the latter that can meet the need of Gemini in constant communication. With whom it will not be possible to build a strong alliance, it's Libra and Sagittarius.
  4. Cancer . They are quiet people, for whom the family and the home are always on the first place. They share their views on the life of Scorpio and Pisces. Harmonious relations will be formed only with those who share the values โ€‹โ€‹of this sign. With Gemini and Libra, a lasting relationship can not be built.
  5. The Lion . Lions will not tolerate those who do not respect their family and its self-esteem , and therefore a harmonious union will only succeed with Sagittarius and Aries. Alas, but there is no future for the marriage of Leo with Aquarius and Virgo.
  6. The Virgin . Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo are the very signs of the zodiac that fit each other like two drops of water. Virgo - complex nature, the elements of which are the earth. The soulmate of such a person is one who knows how to yield and understand the ardent temper of the Virgin. Do not expect a strong alliance with Scorpio and Aquarius.
  7. Scales . It is difficult for such people to make a decision right away, they are not sure of themselves, and therefore they need someone who will be able to support at the right moment and, in case of which, take a decision for them. The ideal partner will be Gemini and Aquarius. With whom it will not be possible to build a strong relationship, it's Cancer and Virgo.
  8. Scorpio . Emotional and sometimes contradictory natures who do not tolerate criticism of their own, you need Cancer or Fish, which will help curb the ardent temper of passionate Scorpio. It is worth noting that the relationship with the same sign of the zodiac will not bring anything good.
  9. Sagittarius . He will always uphold his point of view to the last. It is a hot person who needs someone who can recognize her freedom and the right to know better than others. Such signs of the zodiac will be Aries and Leo. Unfortunately, Gemini and Virgo are disharmonious signs.
  10. Capricorn . These people love stability and coziness. In most cases, they are materialists, and therefore the ideal partner for them will be Taurus or Virgo. Capricorns adore people who radiate confidence and will not tolerate those with whom they do not have the same values โ€‹โ€‹(Libra, Pisces).
  11. Aquarius . Thin and vulnerable personalities, for whom sex in a relationship always stands in last place. They value those for whom spirituality is paramount (Libra and Gemini). In addition, intellectual proximity is important for them, and therefore the alliance with Sagittarius and Scorpio is doomed to failure.
  12. Pisces . And even if the nature of these people is extremely difficult, they are with great difficulty, but find those with whom they will build long-lasting relationships (Cancer and Scorpio). With whom it will not be possible to tie even romantic ones, not that serious relationships, it's Capricorn and Aries.