How to wash your hands of the nut?

Symbol of summer in childhood, many had palms, painted with walnut. To clean green nuts with gloves was completely uninteresting, and not to wear the same gloves with you, right? How to wash your hands of the nut, did not think. The children turned into adults, they became more circumspect, but the green nuts are still cleaned without gloves. Only now the question, than to wash hands after nuts, became actual. There are many options, but most of them are based on a misconception about the nature of the coloring matter of the walnut, and therefore they are peculiar myths about how to cleanse the hands of nuts.

The "insidiousness" of the nut juice is that the coloring matter does not appear immediately. During the cleaning of the nuts, the hands look slightly yellowed, and you can be deceived that this color is easily removed by simple hand washing. Literally after a couple of hours, the color appears and becomes brown. The shell of unripe walnuts contains a yuglon dye, which is sufficiently persistent that on its basis and modern cosmetic brands create lines of hair dyes. It is due to the high concentration of Yuglon, the juice from the nuts stains the hands with such a persistent brown color.

How to bring out the juice of walnuts: myths and reality

Option 1. Lemon against walnut

The most typical advice, and, they say, the least effective. It is based on the bleaching effect of citric acid.

Pros: availability of funds.

Cons: it will take a long time to rub. Possible burns from citric acid on very sensitive skin.

To cleanse the stains from the walnut enough lemon slices. You need to rub her skin until it brightens. It is believed that the lemon helps to cope with small jobs, such as to remove a nut stain or whiten slightly dyed skin.

Option 2. Rough green grapes

Cons: the option is available only for those who grow their own grapes.

The principle of action is the same as that of lemon and vinegar.

Option 3. How to wash the walnut with potatoes?

Some advise to polish a lot of potatoes or grate potatoes on a grater and immerse hands in the resulting mass of mashed potatoes and starch. The council is based on the belief that the walnut stains with iodine, and iodine is known to be washed with starch.

Pros: availability of funds.

Cons: the ability of a walnut to color depends not on the content of iodine in it, but on the amount of the coloring agent of Yuglon. Yuglon, even "disguised" as iodine, is weakly excreted by potatoes, so the effectiveness of such a tool can be questioned.

Option 4. Industrial means

They include chlorine, and industrial soap, which cleans the hands of the master in automobile salons, and bleaching powders.

Pros: high activity of substances.

Cons: skin damage.

The mechanism of action is more similar to the effect on the skin of abrasive substances, which erase the upper, colored layer of the skin, promoting faster renewal of skin cells. But the chemical components strongly irritate the skin. The benefits of such a means do not bring.

Option 5. How to wash the nut with peeling and steaming?

In this case, it is advised to steam the skin in a bath, apply peelings to remove the upper layer of skin cells. After steaming, you can use a bleaching cream or a slice of lemon. After the procedure, hands should be greased better moisturizing cream.

Pros: accessibility, practicality, effectiveness.

Cons: it takes time.

Since the dye yuglon is very resistant, discolour the skin is problematic enough. The only option is just waiting for a complete change in the dyed skin, just to accelerate this process and sent to the bath, peelings and steaming. This method helps to cope with the walnut for a couple of days, while minimally injuring the skin.