What does it mean two crowns on the head?

In ancient times, people were powerless before many phenomena, so great importance was attached to various incomprehensible things. People watched, accumulated experience and passed it from generation to generation. Our ancestors tried to explain even those things that did not cost, maybe, explain, because they did not carry any significance in themselves.

For example, there is a popular explanation for what it means for two heads on the head. However, if you look at the interpretation of this phenomenon in different nations, you can see that they do not coincide. Therefore, to say unequivocally, which means two heads on the head, it is impossible. And we can assume that this is just a feature of a person beyond whom nothing is hidden, except for a slight anatomical difference ...

People's sign about two heads on their heads

Even within one people, one can find several interpretations of why the two crowns on the head. Many people believed that any changes in the appearance of a person given to him at birth are a sign of fate. That is, such a person is marked from above and must have some kind of super abilities : to heal, predict fate, influence other people.

In addition to this interpretation, there is another, which means two heads on the head. People believed that the crown is connected with marriage, so the two crowns are two marriages. And since in ancient times people did not get divorced, the two crowns could mean the death of the first wife and remarriage.

In some nationalities people have noticed that a man with a twin head has a special ability to avoid or go out easily out of trouble. Such a person is not afraid of problems, because they seem to part themselves before him. Because of this, people with two crowns were considered lucky, and a child with such a peculiarity predicted a happy future. Such a child could indeed grow up to be a lucky person, if from the childhood he was inspired by the idea that for him any trouble is not a problem.

In some areas, there is another interpretation, which means if a person has two tops on his head. People in these areas believe that a person endowed with such a feature has a cunning and quirky mind that helps him to use any situation for his own good.

No modern research on the presence of two crowns has been carried out, so it remains only to decide: to believe or not to believe this folk note .